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OBIBT as fallback for outgoing calls

Started by DaveLewis, August 12, 2015, 01:09:14 PM

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I'm not sure if this is the right section of the forms or not for this topic.  I was wondering if you could configure the OBi202 with bluetooth to a cell as a fallback for outgoing calls.

Here is my reason. I'm trying to cutdown my mom's home phone bill. She is not a technical person at all.  What I would like to do is migrate her to VOIP using a obi202 and add on a BT adapter with a pay as you go cell.  If the SIP provider is down (internet is down, proivder is down or whatever) and she picks up the phone to dial I would like it to just dail on the cell without any other intervention. 

Obviously this wouldn't work for incomming calls and outgoing number would be different etc etc, which I totally understand, this would work for emergency purposes only in the even of a failure somehwere (or even power outage for that matter).  My ups that is on her cordless phones will keep the OBI up for a long long time without any issues.

thoughts/comments ?



Hi Dave:

OK, holding my breath here, as the classic scenario on this forum is that you'll get a cluster-f__k of replies, with detailed digit maps and related technical tweaks to potentially make your proposed solution work, after many back-and-forth reply posts.

Having worked with seniors to assist with their daily living issues, and um, being one myself, I would instead look at the bigger picture:  it's most important to consider safety, simplicity and reliability. 

There's nothing wrong with porting your mom's phone number to either Google Voice or a SIP VoIP service provider, and then she can use that as her primary line for inbound and outbound calling.  See the FAQs for a guide on porting a land line into GV if you choose that option, or pick a reliable SIP VoIP ITSP, like Callcentric,, Phone Power, etc.

However, I would recommend against trying to integrate the cell phone via BT, as it may just end up creating upsetting issues when things don't work.  Consider:  the entire home network, not just the OBi, would need to be on a UPS (cable or DSL modem, router, OBi, phones, etc).  The OBi-->BT solution might not work in an emergency, causing risky delays in reaching help on the phone.  At some point, in an extended power outage, the ISP connection to the house will go down, and I doubt there is a reliable way to intelligently detect that and fail over automatically.

Instead, I'd simply give her the prepaid cell phone, leave it attached to a charger, and tell her to use it in case the cordless phones aren't working for any reason.

Less technical complexity = more reliability and less anxiety-production = happier senior.


I agree with Steve and think you should instruct your mother to use the cell when the OBi202 doesn't work. Some people have experienced BT dropping connection or not connecting at all. I never had a problem with BT, but I only used it for testing. It might work fine for you, but you won't know until you try it.  It's very easy to setup failover to BT, so it can't hurt to configure it. This way the process will be transparent when the failover works. If the failover doesn't work then your mother can manually call on the cell. The following is one of the cluster-f__k replies.  

Service Providers -> ITSP Profile A SIP -> TimerB: 12000
Voice Services -> SP1 Service -> X_NoRegNoCall: Checked
Voice Services -> Gateways and Trunk Groups -> Trunk group 1 -> Trunk List: sp1,bt
Physical Interfaces -> Phone 1 Port -> Primary Line: Trunk Group 1

TimerB is the timeout for the connection. I think the OBi will failover when the connection is not made within this setting. The default is way too long at 32 seconds. You can probably make this less than 12 seconds. I'm not a network expert, so I don't know what can be used as the minimum value.

NoRegNoCall will cause an immediate failover when the trunk becomes unregistered. The trunk can be down, but the OBi can still think it's registered. If this happens then it will failover on the TimerB timeout.


Use OBi Expert to make the above changes. In Obi Expert you must uncheck both boxes to the right of the value before you can modify it. After you make all changes on a page, click Submit at the bottom of the page. The OBi will download the configuration and reboot the OBi. Wait until this process is complete before continuing to the next configuration page.

After you connect the OBi to the cell, I suggest making a BT call without using failover. Dial the number with an **8 prefix like: **818005551212. If this works then try the failover.


Are you that OCD that you couldn't resist posting that "might work" set of instructions?   The whole point here is to provide simple, reliable-as-possible, anxiety-free calling for a non-techie senior.   

Don't even go there.

Also remember:  Google Voice, and other VoIP providers, don't supply E-911 service without specific, additional setup.  Your mom should always use the cell phone first, in an emergency.