Hello, I have searched the forum for an answer but I am not finding anything that relates to my specific setup. I am a bit confused with Callcentric fax/extension and fax. I am trying to avoid purchasing the Obi202 or additional Obi200 devices if i can. Set up is a little confusing. I have a talk show studio in room 1 and my office in room 2.
Room 1 setup -
I have 2 Obi200 devices connected to my router w/ 2 GV numbers/accounts, an AT&T 2 line phone and a Telos HX-2 phone hybrid (which can have 2 callers and myself talk at the same time) Obi-1 with GV 1# goes to line 1 [SP1] along with Callcentric for 911 and caller ID [SP2] (I use GV#1 as my direct office number and an additional line for the HX-2) and Obi-2 with GV #2 goes to line 2 [SP1] with no Callcentric. (I use GV#2 strictly for HX-2) I do not think i have any problems LOL.
I have the Obi-1 plugged into a splitter in port 1 of a 2 port phone jack (old Pots) to connect GV#1 to AT&T line 1 as well as bring GV#1 into room 2. So far so good.
Room 2 setup -
This is my main office and where i spend the majority of my time (except when recording). I have an AT&T 1 line phone plugged into the phone jack in the room. Works just fine. I also have an HP 8600 Premium printer/fax/scanner that has a line 1 port and an EXT port.
I would like to incorporate fax into this mix. I signed up for a 3rd GV account, so i now have a dedicated number to use just for fax.
Finally, my question. Can i add an extension to my Callcentric account to ring my GV Fax number - then have my AT&T 1 line phone hooked into my HP 8600 and have a special ring to pick up on faxes AND still only use the Obi200? I feel like i have the pieces, but do not understand how to make it work with what i have.
Thank you in advance for any help.