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auto calling card / SP using digitmap

Started by melamoud, January 22, 2012, 11:32:31 AM

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I have ob110, and I have a different PSTN provider that gives me fee international calls
I want to build a rule that when ever I starting to call an international number (when I do 011) it will prepend **8 so it will dial out using the pstn line.

manually doing **8011... works great
I want to be able to do 011.... and it will automatically add the **8
I tried the following <**8>011* but it did not work,
I tried <**8>011xxxxxxxxxxx for a number that have the exact same number of digits, still not working
I even tried to put the **8 inside '' but no use,

anyone help ?


Assuming your PrimaryLine is set to SP1 Service:

Service Providers -> ITSP Profile A -> General -> DigitMap:


where aaa is your local area code.

All calls will be sent to SP1 except calls beginning with 011 which will be redirected to the LINE Port.


thanks, I will try it, can you explain it, (the complex digitmap)


1xxxxxxxxxx                11-digits
<1>[2-9]xxxxxxxxx     10-digits ('1' is added)
<1aaa>[2-9]xxxxxx      7-digits  ('1' plus area is code added)
<**8>011xx.               011+ ('**8' is added to redirect to LINE Port)
(Mipd)                          IP dialing
[^*#]@@.'@'@@.        URI dialing


cool, thanks that worked like a charm,
maybe you know this one as well (support tols me it is not possible, but maybe someone like you can figure it out)

I'm trying to build a rule like this :

the rule suppose to do the following
any number I will dial that starts with 011972
will become the 7814524685 wait 1 sec *0 wait 1 sec, put my calling card pin number and #, wait 4 sec and then the 01197..... number

is it possible ?


Quote from: melamoud on January 24, 2012, 04:55:09 PM
is it possible ?

Do you want it sent through the LINE Port?  That's the only place that pauses can be implemented.  If so, try this:

Physical Interfaces -> PHONE Port -> OutboundCallRoute:


Physical Interfaces -> LINE Port -> DigitMap : (<CC>011972xx.|...)


Quote from: melamoud on January 24, 2012, 04:55:09 PM... any number I will dial that starts with 011972 will become the 7814524685 wait 1 sec *0 wait 1 sec, put my calling card pin number and #, wait 4 sec and then the 01197..... number
Instead of a calling card, you can almost always get better quality at lower rates by using a VoIP service directly.

Who is the calling card company (several use that MA access number)?  What are their rates to Israel landlines?  To mobiles?

Several good VoIP providers offer calls to IL landlines for $0.01/min. or less; calls to mobiles are available from $0.013 to $0.044/min. at various quality levels.  Unlike most calling cards, there is no connection charge.


RonR, thanks, again but no I'm trying to use google voice not PSTN thats probablywhy it is not working for me.
Steward, I have landline of 1cent per min no fees, and cell for 3.5cents per min (round to one min, no fees)
Iwill search for the voip providers, thanks for the tip.



For the cheapest calls to Israel (and most of the world), try the Betamax companies .  Quality and reliability are generally not the best, but you may find them acceptable.  Some offer "free" calling under complex rules; it may cost less in the long run to choose a pay-per-minute plan.  Some offer a free test call, with the others you'll need to pony up €5 to experiment.  Lowest (non-free) to IL landline is EasyVoip at $0.005/min.; to mobile it's VoipDiscount at $0.013.  They can also be used as a calling card, e.g. from your mobile, though in some cases rates are higher.  All are compatible with OBi.

Next step up, try Future-Nine.  The owner is Israeli and I'm sure that he keeps those routes in good shape.  You can choose from three quality levels (landline $0.008 to $0.014, mobile $0.037 to $0.044).

Voxbeam (Premium route) is usually excellent, though there are some payment and technical gotchas.  Landline $0.0084, mobile $0.0327, billing interval is one second.  $1 test credit given at signup.

The top quality providers (IMHO) Anveo and Callcentric have somewhat higher rates than you are paying now (landline $0.017 / $0.0143; mobile $0.07 / $0.0561), but you may find that it's worth it.


Quote from: melamoud on January 24, 2012, 08:50:25 PM
I'm trying to use google voice not PSTN thats probablywhy it is not working for me.

It starts to get a little whacky at this stage, but if your Google Voice number is a local call from your PSTN line:

Physical Interfaces -> PHONE Port -> OutboundCallRoute:


where 12341234567 is your Google Voice number and each comma is 200 ms.

Physical Interfaces -> LINE Port -> DigitMap : (<CC>011972xx.|...)

Voice Services -> SP1 Service -> X_InboundCallRoute : {12347654321:sp1(17814524685)},...

where 12347654321 is your PSTN line number.

011972 numbers go out the LINE Port and come back in to Google Voice where they go back out Google Voice to your calling card provider.

(Did I say a LITTLE whacky?!?)