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Should multiple Voice Services from the same provider use one ITSP profile?

Started by CoalMinerRetired, September 20, 2012, 05:52:04 PM

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For example, three numbers from GV on SP1, SP2 and SP4?

Even though I configured my Obi202 manually, I see there are slight differences in the RTP section of the four ITSP profiles. The LocalPortMin and LocalPortMax for example.

Currently I have my device setup where SP1 uses ITSP1, SP2 uses ITSP2 etc. 


On my 202 I also have 3 GV numbers and have each using a different profile. I see there are some differences as you pointed out. I have no idea what, if any, difference it makes, but on all my Obi110's with 2 GV numbers they share the same ITSP profile.


Interesting one sentence statement in the AdminGuide, (in bold) says you can use one ITSP profile for multiple Voice Services:

Under "SIP Service Provider Features of the OBi Device"

Each ITSP configuration is grouped together as an ITSP Profile. We refer to them as ITSP Profile A, B, C[2], and D2 respectively.. The SP service account specifics on the other hand are grouped under the heading SPn Service, where n = 1, 2, 3., or 4.,. An ITSP Profile includes such parameters as ProxyServer, OutboundProxy, and DigitMap, but does not include account specific parameters. A SP Service includes account specific parameters such as AuthUserName (usually the phone number of the account), AuthPassword, CallerIDName, and X_ServProfile (which ITSP Profile to assume). If both SP Service use the same ITSP, then only one ITSP Profile needs to be configured with both SP Services referred to the same profile.


A Profile is intended to be a placeholder for settings/digimaps etc which can be reused in another context. A likely context would be if you own 2 DID with voipms. Only the specifics regarding the registration of each account is configured in another section. Between the 2 DID accts it is likely that you would want to reuse the same details contained in the Profile.

The user defined digimaps serve a similar yet more specific application of the same concept. The overall goal is to make it more efficient and simpler in making references to settings which may be used in another context. Other software applications also make use of the Profile concept. If you use Outlook you will notice it is being there used as well.
Owner of the 1st OBi110/100 units in service in Canada & South America. 1st OBi202 on my street. 1st OBi1032 in Montreal.