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Solved with 1.2.0 (Build: 2102) Obi110 Resetting on its own?

Started by moku160, March 19, 2011, 02:47:13 AM

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First I want to thank everyone on this forum.  I never would have been able to get this device up and running if not for this forum.  And if a thread on this subject exists I am sorry I am starting a new one, but I couldnt find it.

I have noticed that there is a slight clicking noise when I reset the device through the setup page accessed via IP address.

I also hear this noise when I try to unconditionally forward calls coming to SP2 using sp1

 SP2->Sp1(123456789) = connects fine but after about 20-30 seconds I hear that noise that sounds like the device is resetting and the call is dropped.

Is anyone else encountering this issue.


It does sound like the unit resets in this case.

We would like to debug this case for you.
Could you email to and provide the following information:

1. Your OBi number (on the back of the unit)
2. Some more details about your setup:
    - What service providers are configured on SP1 and SP2?
       Are they Google Voice or something else?
    - Are you able to call the forward number on SP1 from your
       phone? That is, dial **1123456789 from phone to ring it?

Try also upgrading your unit to the latest firmware version (posted on
to see if it fixes the problem.

I also strongly recommend you to sign up for an OBITALK account if you haven't done so already. That will allow us to push firmware to your unit and perform other trouble shooting steps.

OBIHAI Support Staff


I emailed the support number, but no response as of yet... so I am back to the forums hoping for help.

I have:
ooma on pstn
gv on sp1
and gizmo project DID number on sp2 (yes I know its not going to be around in about a week until then I am using it... its a japanese number and right now I dont want to change it in case there MORE emergencies)

I updated to firmware 1.2 this morning.  Since then I cannot call out at all from pstn.  If I dial **1(number) it works fine.  But anytime I just dial normally or **8(number) the Obi110 clicks, pretty sure that signifies a reset, and I just hear a dial tone.
For the time being I set Physical Interfaces->Phone Port->Primary line = Sp1 and it is letting me dial out fine using google voice.
I can also accept calls fine through pstn (ooma)

Thanks anyone


I should also mention that ooma has a very unique dial tone.  When i first pick up the phone it is NOT ooma's dial tone.  When i try to dial and the unit resets, ooma's dial tone is then presented.  If I try to dial again, the unit resets again and I am presented with a normal dial tone again.


Quote from: moku160 on March 25, 2011, 11:30:40 AM
I should also mention that ooma has a very unique dial tone.  When i first pick up the phone it is NOT ooma's dial tone.  When i try to dial and the unit resets, ooma's dial tone is then presented.  If I try to dial again, the unit resets again and I am presented with a normal dial tone again.
I can't address your reboot problem (which should NOT be occurring), but I can explain your Ooma dialtone.

When an OBi is operating properly and is powered up, the dialtone you hear when you first pick up a phone connected to the OBi's PHONE Port is generated by the OBi itself.  You would hear the dialtone generated by whatever is connected to the OBi's LINE Port (the Ooma in your case) under the following conditions:

1. The OBi is not powered up.  There is a relay in the OBi that forces the PHONE and LINE Ports to be bridged if the OBi loses power.  This is a fail-safe to allow you to call out on the LINE Port in case of a power failure.

2. You enter only a '#' on the phone's keypad.  This also bridges PHONE and LINE Ports for direct access tothe LINE Port.

3. When the OBi reboots.  This is not a feature.  It's just a natural side-effect of the firmware restarting and re-initialzing everything, during which time the bridging relay drops out momentarly.


Thank you.
That may not have solved my problems but at least I understand some of it a little better now.

It seems that the only way I can dial out with my ooma is dialing '#' prior to the number
Is there anyway I could automate '#' so I dont have to enter it everytime I want to dial out?
I doubt it but is there a way to dial using GV but have my Ooma number caller id displayed?


I dont know if anyone read this, but I figured I would update it in case.

Updating with newest firmware on April 1st, solved my issue with not being able to dial out with PSTN, ooma.
My other issue with gizmo project is moot because gizmo no longer is in operation.  I have ordered another Japan DID number with DIDWW and when I get the SIP info I will be setting it up and hopefully it will work with the new firmware where gizmo didnt.


Quote from: moku160 on March 25, 2011, 12:18:27 PM
Is there anyway I could automate '#' so I dont have to enter it everytime I want to dial out?

I would try configuring "PHONE Port"->"PrimaryLine" as "PSTN".
Sorry, I can't verify it (don't have PSTN)


I have the exact setup, and facing the same problem.

I am able to dial out from ooma, I need dial 1+[area code]+ number, even if the area code is same as my ooma phone number.

I don't have to dial area code (if same) when I connect my phone to ooma directly.

I've tested using Obi110 to route my call through ooma without area code, and it worked.


Land phone, with number: 1234567
Cell phone, with number: 2234567

Obi110, with SP1 and ooma
Inbound Settings -> ITSP InboundCallRoute {(x.1234567):li(2234567)}

I used phone(1234567) to call SP1, I received call from ooma at phone(2234567)

It showed Obi100 would be able to dial out from ooma without need of 1+area code internally

But the cause of reset, I suspect in the setting of "Phone OutboundCallRoute".

Can anyone help?



I am able to dial out from ooma without dial 1+area code.

I have 626 area code.

Physical Interfaces
   LINE Port