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Incoming calls to GV not ringing to phone

Started by LBH28, January 15, 2016, 04:35:08 PM

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I have an Obi202 set up with GV as the default for incoming and outgoing calls, and I have three other SIP providers set up for outgoing calls and that I access using the default star codes. Everything has worked perfectly for the past 2.5 years. However, today incoming calls didn't cause my phone to ring. I know when a call comes in because I can hear (what I assume is) the audible frequency modulation as my Obi202 tries to send the call to the line (plus, the phone line LEDs begin to flash). But the phone doesn't ring. The fact that I can hear the Obi make the typical sounds when a phone comes in leads me to believe that the problem is with the Obi itself.

To confirm this, I used Click2Call from my callcentric account instead of GV. Again, I could hear the call coming into the Obi and I could see the phone line LEDs flashing, but the phone didn't ring.

I can make outbound calls just fine, though.

To confirm that it wasn't my phone, I tried hooking a different phone up to the Obi202 and that didn't help. The new phone didn't ring either.

I removed and added the GV back still without success. I removed my device from the Obitalk dashboard, did a factory reset, and added it back with no changes.

Has anyone run into anything like this before? Any thoughts?


You post is a bit unclear.

You said that you have three SIP providers configured.  Are any of those providers set up to receive calls, or are they outbound-only accounts?  If one or more of those accounts can receive calls, then call one of those numbers from a different phone number.  What happens...same thing (the phone LED on the OBi blinks, but no sound out of the phone's ringer)? 

Did you make any configuration changes to your OBi, using Expert mode?  For example, a change to a ring tone profile?  If so, then factory reset your OBi and try just configuring Google Voice.  Does that ring?

If the LED blinks, but the phone won't ring, and you've proven that the phone's ringer works when plugged into a regular POTS line, or plugged into some other service provider, then you have a dead OBi...either file a warranty claim or buy a new one.


Sorry about not being clear. I tried an incoming call from CallCentric as well. I have made no configuration changes. And the phone works in a POTS line. I arrived at the same conclusion (dead Obi), but just wanted to make sure I hadn't overlooked anything. Thanks for your help!


Before throwing away that OBi, I would suggest at least performing a full factory reset on it (paper clip in the reset hole for >10 seconds, until LEDs start blinking), then configure a Callcentric DID on it, and see if it still fails to ring.  If so, then it's a dead soldier.