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Email alert when server not registered

Started by gabwey, October 04, 2016, 05:06:16 PM

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Good evening,

I have an OBI100 with a netgear 7000 router.  When there is a power failure, my FreePhoneLine server fail to reconnect.  I have to manually reboot the OBI100 and everything works fine afterwards.  The annoying thing is that I need to "miss" a call and receive a answering machine message to know that the device is not working.

Is there a way to get and email alerting me when the FreePhoneline Server is not registered?

Thank you.


There is no way to make an unaided OBi do that.

Two possible ways using a computer would be:

1.  A program which logs in to the OBi's GUI and periodically does a capture of the html of the System Status page and parses it, examines the relevant section and when appropriate fires off an email.

2.  Similar to the above but using the OBi's ability to send logging messages to a Syslog server.


I suggest checking the firmware on both the OBi100 and your router. Upgrade if you're not at the current level.

If that doesn't work and you don't have the technical skills to do what drgeoff suggests then just place the OBi100 where you can see the LEDs. If FPL is not registered the phone LED will be off. This assumes FPL is your primary line.

OBi100/110 Build 2886:

Netgear R7000:


Thank you for your kind help!

The problem happens when the router reboots.  Google Voice (SP1) connects fine, but FreePhoneLine status is always:
Register Failed: No Response From Server (server=; retry in 5s)e only

The only I have found to fix the problem is to manually reboot my OBI100 after the router reboot is completed.

Do you have an idea how I could fix the problem and have the OBI100 reconnect normally after the router reboot?



The OBi should (after some time) automatically register with the SIP server again.  Freephoneline has some unusual settings, compared to most service providers.

I suggest that you read and follow the linked guide and reconfigure your OBi.  Note that the guide was written for the OBI 100, but the settings are the same regardless of which OBi you use.


That document indicates that the setting for [re]registration time should be 3600 seconds. That is once per hour. So if you lose power it could be up to one hour before registration occurrs and things are working again. Unless FPL actually needs that setting, I would recommend you set SIP -> RegistrationPeriod no higher than about 300. YMMV


Quote from: ProfTech on October 21, 2016, 07:17:02 AM
That document indicates that the setting for [re]registration time should be 3600 seconds. That is once per hour. So if you lose power it could be up to one hour before registration occurrs and things are working again. Unless FPL actually needs that setting, I would recommend you set SIP -> RegistrationPeriod no higher than about 300. YMMV
I am under the impression* that when not registered it is the RegisterRetryInterval setting that determines how quickly re-registration can occur once other conditions would allow it.  The default value of that setting is 30 seconds.  Significantly less than the 1 hour that ProfTech says it could take.

* That impression is borne out by my observations over about 4 years.  On no occasion, after returning power to a previously registered OBi, has it ever taken more than a few tens of seconds for re-registration to occur.


I mis-spoke when I said it could take an hour after a loss of power. Certainly the unit would attempt registration upon power up. But the OP also said this occurrs when something goes wonky with the router. Perhaps you are correct but ObiHai defaults the setting to 60 seconds and most providers seem to recommend 120 seconds [2 minutes]. The Obi 100 / 110 actually re-registers after 1/2 of the configured time has elapsed. In the 200 / 202 it is programmable.

*With a setting of 3600 the Obi is guaranteed to wait at least 1/2 hour between registrations [if the server allows that long]. If the individual has a dynamic WAN IP and it changes, the server may not be able to send any calls until the unit registers because it can't find the Obi.

Disclaimer - this is simply something to look at. I have never used FPL. [In about 5 years of using the Obi and Asterisk with several different service providers].