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Delayed ringing or hunting

Started by dialtone, November 21, 2011, 10:41:26 AM

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Currently, in this Google Voice -> Settings -> Phones ...
it Forwards calls to:
[checked] Google chat (the OBi)
[checked] Cell phone  (Sprint)

That way if the OBi physical phone is not answerable at the desk because nobody is at the desk,
then the cell phone will also ring and it can be answered anywhere.

Is it possible to do ...
... delayed ringing in Google Voice so that it rings the OBi first and then after X seconds it rings the cell phone?
... hunting in Google Voice so that it ring the OBi first and if there is no answer then ring the cell phone?


No changes can be made in google voice. You can have the Obi forward to the cell phone on no answer after a set number of rings. But google voice voicemail is going to take the call after 25 seconds (approx, 4 rings).


Quote from: jimates on November 22, 2011, 08:42:44 PM
... You can have the Obi forward to the cell phone on no answer after a set number of rings. But google voice voicemail is going to take the call after 25 seconds (approx, 4 rings).
In that case, can the OBi do this:
1. Let the inbound landline ring 3 times. So that the call might be answered at the desk.
2. Play the OBi AA message "Please Wait (while your call is being connected)". So that the call does not get to the google voicemail.
3. Forward the call to the Sprint Cell phone.  So that the call can be answered anywhere.
4. The caller does not have to do anything. So that he/she has little or no inconvenience.


Unless the call is answered within 25 seconds by either the OBi PHONE Port or the number the OBi forwarded the call to, Google Voice will see the call as unanswered and send it to voicemail.  The OBi does not give an off-hook indication to an incoming call unless/until the call is actually answered by someone.


Quote from: dialtone on November 25, 2011, 01:25:01 AM
... can the OBi do this:
1. Let the inbound landline ring 3 times. So that the call might be answered at the desk.
2. Play the OBi AA message "Please Wait (while your call is being connected)". So that the call does not get to the google voicemail.
3. Forward the call to the Sprint Cell phone.  So that the call can be answered anywhere. ...

Quote from: RonR on November 25, 2011, 10:50:06 AM
Unless the call is answered within 25 seconds by either the OBi PHONE Port or the number the OBi forwarded the call to, Google Voice will see the call as unanswered and send it to voicemail.  The OBi does not give an off-hook indication to an incoming call unless/until the call is actually answered by someone.

I respectfully disagree.  The OBi AA gives answer supervision before it starts playing a prompt.  So, we should be able to route an incoming call from GV to both ph and aa.

The AA AnswerDelay would be set to allow time for the local user to answer, but enough shorter than 25000 ms, so the AA will prevent the call from going to GV voicemail.  The customized AA Welcome message would say e.g. "Please wait while your party is located." and there would be a silent Menu, only a fraction of a second long.  After the menu "played" three times, the OBi would call the NumberOnNoInput, which would be set to call the Sprint cell phone.  I may have some details wrong, but you get the idea.


Yes, the Auto Attendant does answer calls.

The resulting sequence would be:

1. 20 seconds of ringing.
2. "Please wait while your party is located."
3. 5 seconds of silence.
4. "Please wait while your party is located."
5. 5 seconds of silence.
6. "Please wait while your party is located."
7. 5 seconds of silence.
8. NumberOnNoInput is called.
9. Ringing until called party answers.

If the caller presses any keys during the 5 second waits, all bets are off.

A little kludgy?


Quote from: RonR on November 25, 2011, 05:07:39 PM
Yes, the Auto Attendant does answer calls.

The resulting sequence would be:

1. 20 seconds of ringing.
2. "Please wait while your party is located."
3. 5 seconds of silence.

With standard ringing cadence, three rings would take 14 seconds (2 on, 4 off, 2 on, 4 off, 2 on).  The Welcome message is played only once.  The Menu title and the Menu prompt that is played three times would be a fraction of a second of silence.  I was under the impression that the five-second tail was part of the default Menu prompt and would not occur in this scenario.

If I'm wrong about that, a workaround might be to record a DTMF 1 as the Menu prompt, but I don't know whether the GV path has sufficient initial echo for the OBi to "hear" it.  I don't want to test that now, being far from the OBi and not wanting to risk doing anything that might need physical access to recover.

If the above doesn't work out, my next suggestion would be to use VoxOx to provide FAS to GV and fork the call.