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Error 404?

Started by awriter, June 26, 2021, 07:07:11 PM

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This evening my Obi is only letting me call some - but not all numbers.

Needed to called city hall - a number I've called a zillion times over the years. I get "call rejected by service provider; reason 404"

Ditto for the police Sargeant's desk, and dispatch. None of these are emergency numbers in any way. And I can call using my cell, no problem.

If I call any other number via the Obi, it rings right through.

Under Settings I've tried both Prefer Wi-Fi and Mobile data - and - Use Carrier only. Makes no difference.

What the heck is happening??


Quote from: awriter on June 26, 2021, 07:07:11 PM
This evening my Obi is only letting me call some - but not all numbers.

Needed to called city hall - a number I've called a zillion times over the years. I get "call rejected by service provider; reason 404"

Ditto for the police Sargeant's desk, and dispatch. None of these are emergency numbers in any way. And I can call using my cell, no problem.

If I call any other number via the Obi, it rings right through.

Under Settings I've tried both Prefer Wi-Fi and Mobile data - and - Use Carrier only. Makes no difference.

What the heck is happening??
I'm not aware of any OBi that has any of those three settings.


Sorry - it was late when I posted. The setting I spoke of was in GV.

This morning, still no go on Obi. But I asked Alexa to dial each of them using my GV number - including non-emergency fire dept, which Obi also rejects - and all went through.

So it's not the numbers, GV or my cell. This is an Obi 200 problem.

Thinking back a few weeks - when the GV/Obi token error got (temporarily) resolved, I remember calling City Hall the day after and getting the same error response. I immediately thought the Token thing was back, but since other numbers went through, I forgot about it. Till last night.

Don't know if this is part of the original problem, something broken by the 'fix' or something else. But if I had to guess, it would be that it will magically work again when Poly finally gives us that firmware update.

Till then, thank goodness for Alexa.


1. Alexa does not use your GV account or GV infrastructure but it can spoof the CallerID to show your GV number.  So, that does not of itself prove that GV is not to blame for your issue.

2.  The recent GV "fix" was simply to revert and temporarily cease the certificate update it was making in its servers.  Everything should now be the same as it was before the "token error" fiasco.

3.  On the phone plugged in to the OBi dial ***1 and note the IP address that is read out to you.  Point a browser at that address and login with admin and admin as username and password.  Click on "Status" then on "Call History".  Check that calls to the problem numbers are being sent to the SP you have configured with GV and that the numbers sent to GV correspond to what you dialled.  If any discrepancies, report back here.

4.  Do you have any other service providers configured on your OBi?


All the calls I tried and didn't go through are there to SP1. That's the only provider I have configured.

Call 1   06/27/2021    10:22:51   
10:22:51   From PH1   To SP1(+14014217740)
10:22:52      Ringing
10:22:52      Call Ended (404 Not Found)


Quote from: awriter on June 27, 2021, 07:16:55 AM

So it's not the numbers, GV or my cell. This is an Obi 200 problem.

This has nothing to do with your OBi device. My best guess is that this is a GV/Bandwidth routing issue.

Try calling that number using your GV app on your cell phone and you'll get a busy signal. I get the same results when using GV's "click-to-call" feature (which you can't try because you only have the single GV connection on your OBi device). But if I call using my cell carrier or any other voip provider from my OBi the call goes through without issue.

The problem is with Google Voice, not your OBi 200. If you want to pursue the issue I suggest posting on the Google Voice support forum.


1. Open GV app. Call each of the five city numbers. Busy signal.

2. Call any other number through the app: goes through just fine.

If it's GV/Bandwidth problem - it's mighty selective. I'll call Verizon in the morning, and if that doesn't help, will post to Google.

Thanks for responding, though.....


Quote from: awriter on June 27, 2021, 12:38:49 PM
1. Open GV app. Call each of the five city numbers. Busy signal.

2. Call any other number through the app: goes through just fine.

If it's GV/Bandwidth problem - it's mighty selective. I'll call Verizon in the morning, and if that doesn't help, will post to Google.

Thanks for responding, though.....
Why you think that this is anything Verizon can help you with?


I've learned over the years that weirdness happens. Calling Verizon just let's me cross that variety of weird off my list. :)