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GV VoiceMail = Busy Signal

Started by CSharpner, August 20, 2011, 02:47:54 PM

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I can't check my voicemail from my phone.

My OBi110 is configured to work with my Google Voice number.  I can successfully make and receive calls from my phone connected to my OBi110 with no problems.  From a different phone (say, my cell phone), I can call my GV number, get the v-mail prompt, hit "*", my PIN, and check my Google Voice Mail.

When I dial my Google Voice number from a phone connected to my OBi110 (in other words, my GV number is dialing itself) to get the voicemail prompt, where I can enter "*", it never works.  I always get a busy signal.

Is there some other way I'm supposed to check my v-mail from my GV phone?  Is there some GV setting I need to change so that I can check my GVMail from my phone?

Everything I've read here seems to indicate that I should be able to dial my own GV number from my own GV number and get the menu, not a busy signal.



When you dial your own Google Voice number through the OBi's trunk that's connected to that Google Voice number, you should get a female voice that says "You have no new messages, to place a call, press 2, or to change your settings, press 4" or "You have 3 new messages, ...".

On your Google Voice account settings for the Google Chat phone, do you have:

Voicemail Access:   Direct access to voicemail when calling your Google number from this phone?

No (requires pressing star during greetings -- default for non-mobile phones)


On your Google Voice account settings for the Google Chat phone, do you have:

Voicemail Access:   Direct access to voicemail when calling your Google number from this phone?

I don't see that setting.  I logged into my Google Voice account and couldn't find it there and I also browsed around my Obi account (just in case you meant my GVoice settings under my Obi account).

Which account did you mean (I think you meant
Which tab is it under?


RonR> Voice Settings -> Phones Tab -> Google Chat Phone -> Edit Button


OK, Thanks.  Well, I do that and it's not set for that, but when I do set that and click "Save", it gives me an error at the top of the page with a pink background that says:  "Invalid Google Talk email: original:" and it reverts back to not having that.

I Googled it and see that a lot of other people are reporting this same error when trying to set up the same feature, for at least a year now.  One person said to delete the chat, add it back, then try again, but that doesn't work either.  Seems that it only saves that setting under these conditions:

1.  I have it forwarded to a real phone number.
2.  On that real number, I set those settings for v-mail.

But, that doesn't do me any good as I have no real number obviously, since I'm using the Obi110 box.  Under no conditions will it save it for the chat.