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inbound routing for 3 GV number, two with sprint integration

Started by sera, April 14, 2012, 10:36:07 AM

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I have three google voice numbers. X1 is a home phone which was ported to google voice and setup on SP1 line. X2 is a sprint cell with google voice integration setup on SP2. X2 is setup to route calls to gtalk based on GV day/time based ring schedule. X3 is a sprint cell with google voice integration. It forwards call to X1 based on GV day/time based schedule. Although GV does not allow forwarding to another GV number but I am able to do so in X3 GV setup. I am trying to achieve the following

Incoming call on X1 : Ring X1, X2 and X3 simultaneously. controlled via inbound call routing on SP1. {sp1(X2),sp1(X3),ph}. X3 does not ring probably due to two channel limitation. I think it should work if routing is changed to {sp2(X2),sp1(X3),ph}.

Incoming call on X2 : X2 rings always. Ring Obi phone port based on day/time schedule. GV routes call to gtalk based on day/time schedule. SP2 is setup for X2.

Incoming call on X3 : Ring Obi phone port based on day/time schedule. GV is setup to route incoming call to X1.

Now the problem happens when there is an overlap X2/X3 schedule. E.g. on weekend incoming call on X3 for wards X1. X1 forks it back to X3. how to avoid this loop.


Quote from: sera on April 14, 2012, 10:36:07 AM
{sp1(X2),sp1(X3),ph}. X3 does not ring probably due to two channel limitation.

Quote from: sera on April 14, 2012, 10:36:07 AM
I think it should work if routing is changed to {sp2(X2),sp1(X3),ph}.
I believe that SP2(X2) won't work; calling your own GV number goes straight to VM.  However, {sp1(X2),sp2(X3),ph} should work, except for the loop problem.

Quote from: sera on April 14, 2012, 10:36:07 AMAlthough GV does not allow forwarding to another GV number but I am able to do so in X3 GV setup.
I was not aware of this exception, but if it applies to all Sprint with GV accounts, perhaps you could set up a fourth GV account, X4 and use that for SP2.  Then, the inbound route for SP1 could be {sp2(X2),sp2(X3),ph}.  On X2 and X3, X4 would be a contact that rings only the cell phone, avoiding a loop.  Calls made directly to X2 or X3 would forward (when desired) to X4, which would ring the Phone port, without forking.

Before going to the trouble to set this all up, you should test that you can set X2 to forward to X1.

Note that any scheme using GV will not show the original caller's ID on your cell phones.  To fix that, you would need to forward by SIP;  I am not aware of a completely free solution.


Thanks. {sp1(X2),sp2(X3),ph} works. Incoming call on SP1 rings ph, X2 & X3 . To avoid the loop problem I tried the following inbound rule on SP1
{(X1|X2|X3):ph},{sp1(X2),sp2(X3),ph} but when incoming call is from X1 or X2 or X3 the phone port does not ring and nothing gets recorded in call log. After 30 seconds GV voicemail answers.


Quote from: sera on April 18, 2012, 03:24:16 PM... To avoid the loop problem I tried the following inbound rule on SP1
{(X1|X2|X3):ph},{sp1(X2),sp2(X3),ph} but when incoming call is from X1 or X2 or X3 the phone port does not ring and nothing gets recorded in call log. After 30 seconds GV voicemail answers.
Do you mean e.g. an incoming call from outside your system to X3, which is set to forward to X1?  If so, the first rule would not hit, since the caller ID is that of the original caller.  However, I don't know why nothing gets logged.

If you mean e.g. a call from the X3 cell phone dialed to X1, I would expect the rule to hit and the Phone port to ring.  Unfortunately, in the absence of log info, I don't know how to debug this.

If the test suggested in my earlier post succeeds, it's IMO reasonably likely that the scheme using X4 will work.  Otherwise, there are other ways to skin this cat.  They are unfortunately not free, but would allow the original caller's ID to be displayed on calls forwarded from "home phone" to your cell phones.


Quote from: Stewart on April 18, 2012, 10:04:10 PMDo you mean e.g. an incoming call from outside your system to X3, which is set to forward to X1?  If so, the first rule would not hit, since the caller ID is that of the original caller.  However, I don't know why nothing gets logged.
No I meant dialing X1 from X3. In case of incoming call to X3 (during forward period to X1) the first rule is not hit and second rule cause ph to ring and forks calls to x2 and x3.

Quote from: Stewart on April 18, 2012, 10:04:10 PM
If you mean e.g. a call from the X3 cell phone dialed to X1, I would expect the rule to hit and the Phone port to ring.  Unfortunately, in the absence of log info, I don't know how to debug this.
The first rule is hit but the phone port does not ring nor anything gets logged. This could be a firmware bug or rule is incorrect. I saw a reply by RonR to a forum post which I can not find listing similar behavior. If I remove X3 from the list the second rule is hit when dialing X1 from X3.

Quote from: Stewart on April 18, 2012, 10:04:10 PM
If the test suggested in my earlier post succeeds, it's IMO reasonably likely that the scheme using X4 will work.  Otherwise, there are other ways to skin this cat.  They are unfortunately not free, but would allow the original caller's ID to be displayed on calls forwarded from "home phone" to your cell phones.
Either I got lucky or GV allows forwarding to ported GV number from one GV account only. I could not set X2 to forward to X1. I don't want to verify the second option by deleting X1 forward from X3 and then trying to add it to X2.

I could configure spa2102 with free spigate account and connect it to the line port of obi110. Although spigate is not offering new numbers now but I do have an old sipgate account which is still active. I could set it as a forwarding number in X3. Do you forsee any problems in doing this?