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NO ringback on outgoing calls obi200 with Google Voice

Started by drjulian, September 04, 2021, 03:00:42 PM

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I have a brand new obi200 with the latest firmware update. I can make outgoing calls but there is no "ringback" (the is the sound I should hear in the headset letting me know their phone is ringing). I contacted tech support and they said no one has ever had an issue like this and suggested the unit was defective. I replaced the unit and same thing is happening with the new one. Tech support is stumped.

I have noticed another thread with the same problem marked "RESOLVED" but there is no resolution in the thread.

I have done a factory reset and then setup again but no change. I have Goggle DND turned off.

I am in the US

Can anyone suggest what might be a solution?

Thank you


Well, since two different units produce the same symptom, then obviously, there is nothing wrong with the device.

The lack of a ringback tone doesn't mean much by itself.  When you call a working, US telephone number, does the other party's phone ring and if so, when they answer it, do you have two way audio (both parties can hear the other party talk)?

Use a desktop or laptop computer's web browser (NOT a tablet or smartphone), sign into the correct Gmail/Google account that holds your Google Voice phone number, and go here:

Do you see "Call as" with your Google Voice phone number underneath it?  If not, this is the wrong Google account.  If you do see it, then make a call.  Do you hear the ringback tones?  Does the call work?


Thank you for your response, Steve.

To answer your questions:
1) yes, when I call a US number, the party answers a normal two way conversation can take place. The same happens if they call me. The phone rings normally and we can have a conversation.
2) I had already performed the test you suggested on my PC: I can log into the google voice account and dial the very same numbers that do not ringback on obi and I do hear the ringback on each call.
3) I do not see the "call as" on the google web page, however I have only one google voice account and when the google voice number is dialed from the outside, the phone connected to my obi device will ring and works properly.


Something you can try, although I'm not very hopeful it will change anything, is to disable the X_Sticky18x setting on your GV OBi configuration.

Service Providers-->ITSP Profile X-->SIP-->X_Sticky18x

Note: this setting is only accessible thru the local OBi web interface and not thru OBiTALK.


Thank you for the suggestion.

Unfortunately it did not resolve the issue.

Any other settings I might try to modify?


Quote from: drjulian on September 04, 2021, 03:46:48 PM
Thank you for your response, Steve.

To answer your questions:
1) yes, when I call a US number, the party answers a normal two way conversation can take place. The same happens if they call me. The phone rings normally and we can have a conversation.
2) I had already performed the test you suggested on my PC: I can log into the google voice account and dial the very same numbers that do not ringback on obi and I do hear the ringback on each call.
3) I do not see the "call as" on the google web page, however I have only one google voice account and when the google voice number is dialed from the outside, the phone connected to my obi device will ring and works properly.

See the screenshot below.  It is what I meant you should see on the Google Voice website ("Call as").  If you don't see it, then something is wrong.  Note that your Google Voice setting "Always use my phone to place calls" must be toggled off (gray).

Did you make any customizations at all on your OBi 200? 

This sounds like a problem with your local network (a router or firewall setting), but I have no idea what it might be.  You could take the device to some other location (friend, relative, etc.) and see if the symptom changes.


Thank you for responding.

Ah, yes, on that screen I do see call as. I was looking at the wrong screen originally.

I have not made any modifications to the obi default configuration other then upgrading the firmware.

During my testing with the tech we ruled out my router by connecting the device directly to my ISP modem which has the firewall disabled. That and the fact that I get the ringback on my PC seems to indicate my network is capable of receiving the ring back.

I have not yet tried another location, however I will try that and report back.


Other than that, I'm stumped.  Let us know when you get a chance to try your device at another location.  Try it with a basic cordless or DECT phone plugged directly into the OBi 200 - do not connect it to your house wiring.

If it still fails at another location, I can private-message you with credentials for a test account you can provision on the device to see if it also fails.


I am having the same issue.  Did you identify a resolution?  I installed OBI200 (after loading latest firmware) with GV on 9/04/21.  When I call cell phone numbers there is no "ringback" but caller gets a rings and will pickup.  When I make a call to same number(s) on GV I do hear a "ringback" when making the call.


Quote from: musk on September 05, 2021, 09:55:55 AM
I am having the same issue.  Did you identify a resolution?  I installed OBI200 (after loading latest firmware) with GV on 9/04/21.  When I call cell phone numbers there is no "ringback" but caller gets a rings and will pickup.  When I make a call to same number(s) on GV I do hear a "ringback" when making the call.

No resolution yet.I have a ticket opened with poly support


Quote from: SteveInWA on September 04, 2021, 08:18:07 PM
Other than that, I'm stumped.  Let us know when you get a chance to try your device at another location.  Try it with a basic cordless or DECT phone plugged directly into the OBi 200 - do not connect it to your house wiring.

If it still fails at another location, I can private-message you with credentials for a test account you can provision on the device to see if it also fails.

Hello Steve, (I tried to send this twice as PM but the forum gave an error message. I am posting it here to ensure you get it. If you do receive duplicate PM's from me I do apologize).

As per your suggestion, I have tested the obi200 unit on another ISP and had the same result: no ringback.

To recap: I have now tested two obi200 unit using different isp's (centurylink DSL and comcast broadband), two different headsets (one corded and one cordless neither through the house wiring), I have bypassed my modem and disabled the firewall in both isp tests all with the same results, no ringback.

When I make a call from my PC through the same GV account, I DO hear the ringback on every number I have tested.

I welcome the opportunity to configure your test account and see if there is still no ringback.

I have notice another user is having the same issue which started about the same time using the same firmware upgrade. One thing: both the units I tested had been upgraded to the latest firmware. This leads me to consider the possibility that there is a bug in the firmware that is just beginning to present itself.


Just one thing:  you said " two different headsets".  I hope you meant "two different telephones.  The OBi 202 is not itself a telephone, and you can't make or receive calls by plugging a USB headset into the OBi.

The forum software is horribly outdated and broken.  The error messages it gives when you send a private message are bogus.  The messages do send, and I got yours.  Furthermore, the notification function is also broken, so I had no idea I received your message until I looked just now.

I am going to reply to your private message now.


Quote from: SteveInWA on September 05, 2021, 04:25:30 PM
Just one thing:  you said " two different headsets".  I hope you meant "two different telephones.  The OBi 202 is not itself a telephone, and you can't make or receive calls by plugging a USB headset into the OBi.

The forum software is horribly outdated and broken.  The error messages it gives when you send a private message are bogus.  The messages do send, and I got yours.  Furthermore, the notification function is also broken, so I had no idea I received your message until I looked just now.

I am going to reply to your private message now.

Yes I did mean telephones one cordless (base and headset) the other corded (base with attached headset)


Quote from: SteveInWA on September 05, 2021, 04:25:30 PM
Just one thing:  you said " two different headsets".  I hope you meant "two different telephones.  The OBi 202 is not itself a telephone, and you can't make or receive calls by plugging a USB headset into the OBi.

The forum software is horribly outdated and broken.  The error messages it gives when you send a private message are bogus.  The messages do send, and I got yours.  Furthermore, the notification function is also broken, so I had no idea I received your message until I looked just now.

I am going to reply to your private message now.

Sent you another PM, Steve


I found a solution (or more accurately a work-around) thanks to SteveINWA.

I set up another google voice account with a new number then I assigned that number as SP1 in my obitalk device.
Once I did this I was able to get the ringback.

Steve further suggested move that working number back to my primary google account (which I chose not to do so I cannot verify that step).

Although we still do not know the cause of the problem, one possibility is that I also use Google Fi for my cell service and Google Fi had a connection to GV in the beginning, so that may or may not be responsible.

Anyway, if you are having this problem, you might try setting up a new GV number and see if that helps.

Thank you Steve!


Actually, what I meant for you to do, was not to get a new Google Voice number, but to create a temporary Google/Gmail account, then (temporarily) transfer your malfunctioning Google Voice number to that account, provision that account on one of the SPs and see if the symptom changed.  If it fixed the ringback, then the next step would be to transfer it back to the original Google account and see if the repair sticks.  Occasionally, this actually solves these weird problems by resetting the number's provisioning.

But, if you are OK using a new/different Google Voice number, then that's fine too.


Quote from: SteveInWA on September 05, 2021, 11:41:06 PM
Actually, what I meant for you to do, was not to get a new Google Voice number, but to create a temporary Google/Gmail account, then (temporarily) transfer your malfunctioning Google Voice number to that account, provision that account on one of the SPs and see if the symptom changed.  If it fixed the ringback, then the next step would be to transfer it back to the original Google account and see if the repair sticks.  Occasionally, this actually solves these weird problems by resetting the number's provisioning.

But, if you are OK using a new/different Google Voice number, then that's fine too.

Ok I tried following these instructions more carefully a second time and the result was I was suspended from using Google voice. I did attempt it twice as the first time did now work. Now I have lost access to google voice on my primary account and the temporary account. Using this method one must be very careful.


Folks, I have this same experience currently (no ringback on outgoing calls) but believe I may understand the catalyst - although not the solution. When I first set up the Obi200 with my GV account (actually my dad's GV account), it appeared to work correctly - with the exception of the lack of ringback. However, I subsequently found that his Google password had been changed and was unknown to him. So, the Google login to the Obitalk site was using cached credentials (and maybe not really authenticating against Google). I've since fixed his password and flushed browser cache and can use other Google services including GV without issue. I then deleted the Obi from his Obitalk confit, factory reset the device and started over. Once set up again, the unit worked fine EXCEPT STILL NO ringback on outgoing calls.
Ok, so, I did a full remove again and factory reset (device is on newest August firmware) and this time set the unit up on MY GV account (different Google account) and the phone then worked 100% correctly including audible ringback.
So, I did it one more time and still ended up with the lack of ringback on original account. I also did the steps recommended above by just switching Gmail accounts using that Replace link with same results (works for my account, no ringback for dad's)
So, I'm convinced that this corruption is tied to my dad's Obitalk account from the very first configuration. So, my next step is to find out how to DELETE his account from the Obitalk system and start from scratch. I would think that this would be easy...
Looking for ideas.


Quote from: rlos1939 on September 06, 2021, 08:54:13 AM
Folks, I have this same experience currently (no ringback on outgoing calls) but believe I may understand the catalyst - although not the solution. When I first set up the Obi200 with my GV account (actually my dad's GV account), it appeared to work correctly - with the exception of the lack of ringback. However, I subsequently found that his Google password had been changed and was unknown to him. So, the Google login to the Obitalk site was using cached credentials (and maybe not really authenticating against Google). I've since fixed his password and flushed browser cache and can use other Google services including GV without issue. I then deleted the Obi from his Obitalk confit, factory reset the device and started over. Once set up again, the unit worked fine EXCEPT STILL NO ringback on outgoing calls.
Ok, so, I did a full remove again and factory reset (device is on newest August firmware) and this time set the unit up on MY GV account (different Google account) and the phone then worked 100% correctly including audible ringback.
So, I did it one more time and still ended up with the lack of ringback on original account. I also did the steps recommended above by just switching Gmail accounts using that Replace link with same results (works for my account, no ringback for dad's)
So, I'm convinced that this corruption is tied to my dad's Obitalk account from the very first configuration. So, my next step is to find out how to DELETE his account from the Obitalk system and start from scratch. I would think that this would be easy...
Looking for ideas.

I'd suggest contacting Poly support at this point.


Quote from: rlos1939 on September 06, 2021, 08:54:13 AM
Folks, I have this same experience currently (no ringback on outgoing calls) but believe I may understand the catalyst - although not the solution. When I first set up the Obi200 with my GV account (actually my dad's GV account), it appeared to work correctly - with the exception of the lack of ringback. However, I subsequently found that his Google password had been changed and was unknown to him. So, the Google login to the Obitalk site was using cached credentials (and maybe not really authenticating against Google). I've since fixed his password and flushed browser cache and can use other Google services including GV without issue. I then deleted the Obi from his Obitalk confit, factory reset the device and started over. Once set up again, the unit worked fine EXCEPT STILL NO ringback on outgoing calls.
Ok, so, I did a full remove again and factory reset (device is on newest August firmware) and this time set the unit up on MY GV account (different Google account) and the phone then worked 100% correctly including audible ringback.
So, I did it one more time and still ended up with the lack of ringback on original account. I also did the steps recommended above by just switching Gmail accounts using that Replace link with same results (works for my account, no ringback for dad's)
So, I'm convinced that this corruption is tied to my dad's Obitalk account from the very first configuration. So, my next step is to find out how to DELETE his account from the Obitalk system and start from scratch. I would think that this would be easy...
Looking for ideas.

More information on this idea: I created an entirely new obitalk account NOT using google log in, but email and  password instead. I deleted my device from my account, did a factory reset and set up the device as if I just received it on the new account. I also used a totally new GV account (since mine had been suspended apparently for transferring the number too many times).

My thinking in doing this is that a new non-google login account to obitalk should rule out corruption in the automatic google log in.


Hope this adds more information to the puzzle. I also have a ticket opened with poly support and they are "looking into the problem" ...

Also I agree with SteveINWA, and advise anyone who is having a problem to open a ticket at poly support, that may help them find the problem sooner if that have several examples of the failure.