
The OBiTALK service has reached it's End of Life period and will be decommissioned as of October 31st, 2024. More information can be found at this link

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Moving to a new house, new ISP

Started by tobi1, July 23, 2024, 11:14:10 AM

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I have an OBI202 that has been working fine for 10 years with Anveo as a SIP provider. I get my internet via a cable modem and the OBI202 internet port is just connected to a lan port on my existing router along with my other wired devices. In other words the OBI is behind the router not in front, and the OBI lan port is unused.

If I move from one part of town to another, can I simply unplug my OBI202 from my network and plug it in to the new network at the new location and expect it to work?

I would make sure the network LAN settings were compatible (same gateway, same LAN IP), but the ISP and WAN IP would be different. If Anveo servers had a problem with any of this, then it wouldn't be as simple as I imagine and I'd need to dig into long forgotten settings.


Yes, should work. If you have not changed the 202 from its default of using DHCP to get its IP settings from the router you don't even need to worry about LAN IP, gateway, DNS being different.


It seems a lot has changed from 10yrs ago. Obihai boxes like mine are not longer sold even though you can maybe pick up some used ones. There are more voip providers now and some offer a bit more for the same cost than Anveo, but most bundle their own adapter boxes with the service. Am I correct in that you can still use devices like the '202 on new installations with new providers as long as you set it up manually as I did?

When I manually set up the OBI so long ago there were some obscure settings that needed to be tweaked from the defaults. Some related to screening out bogus calls. If I get another '202 (probably used), is there a way to save my old config and load it into the 2nd box? I'd only have to change a few top level settings that way.

I also notice that there is a newer (final?) firmware 3.2.2-8680EX to replace my old 3.2.1-5757EX. I'd update if there is little risk of losing the configuration.


I've done several firmware upgrades on OBi boxes and never once lost configuration settings.  However, official advice is to do a reset after updating firmware and that does wipe out all settings that were changed from default.

I suspect the only significant difference between what you have on your 202 and the latest is that the latter is the only one which supports the current Google Voice.  But even if you wanted that you have missed the boat.

In the onboard management menus you will find Backup and Restore options.  You can use these to save the configuration to a computer file and subsequently load it back to the same or another OBi202.  Note that although the backup contains your customisations it does NOT include passwords.  So you need to know the authorisation details for the Voice Services you have configured and manually re-enter them after the restore.

I suggest "If it ain't broke ..." but take a backup and keep it in case it ever comes in useful.


I have to admit I barely remember how all the HW and services interact. I must be wrong about manually setting up the '202, since I see the ObiTalk service is enabled when I log into the device. I like how it is easy to see what entries were changed from defaults - not many.

After reading a few more posts on device EOL and disabled funtionality of OBiTalk, I agree with the "if it aint broke..." philosophy. My '202 continues to work fine but I get the impression that if I tried anything beyond backup of the configuration, I may end up losing it all due to dependencies on OBiTalk.

My old ObiTalk password was not recognized and I was unable to change it since the link in the password reset email gave an error. I see I am not alone here. I am only able to logon by first going through password reset steps, failing, and then immediately using the Google link to logon with different credentials. Only those steps in that order have worked. It seems ObiTalk is a ghost ship and will eventually hit a reef. I got my 10yrs so I can't complain.