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having difficulty with my new obi (i'm a brand new user)

Started by NeedMoreCowbell, September 03, 2012, 08:38:47 PM

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i'm having difficulty placing a call on my new obi 100 and i don't know where to go to get help (i hope i'm in the right place).  let me start by noting that i've taken all the steps indicated in the quick start guide that came with the unit and in fact, on friday (before heading out for the weekend), my phone was working perfectly well.  today, however, when i went to use it, i could not place a call (i tried multiple phones connect to the obi and each phone behaved exactly the same.  here is what happens:

when i activate my handset to place a call (push the talk button), i hear a series of 10 short dial tone segments (over approximately 3 seconds of time).  after the short intermittent tones, the dial tone becomes continuous (what you would normally expect to hear when placing a call).  at that point, when i try to dial a number, i get a 10 second period of silence followed by a fast busy signal. i hope somebody knows what's going on - cause i have no clue.
???    ???    ???    ???    ???   ???    ???    ???    ???    ???    ???


Hello NeedMoreCowbell.

Looks like Felix got you to the right place.  As he stated, we do need more information.

1) Who is the service provider for SP1?  I'll take a stab at it being GV.

Have you logged into GV, and looked to see if you had missed any calls, or have Voice Mail waiting, while you where away?  I'm guessing that the Message Waiting is what may be giving you the short tones. 

If we can eliminate that, then we can move forward on solving your issue.

OBi100, OBi110, OBi200, OBi202


service provider is in fact gv. my phone is actually blinking voicemail at me (something it never did when i had a traditional phone service). i have no idea how to retrieve said new voicemail. my gv account has no new voicemails, no new texts, nothing in my inbox.



Do you use the OBiTALK Portal to configure your device, or do you make all the changes yourself?

If you use the Portal, goto:
Expert Config: >Voice Services: >SP1:
Scroll down and find

You'll have to Un-Check the boxes in the colum for OBiTalk Settings. (far Right Box)  This will then leave a ! next to the empty box for each value of MWIEnable & X_VMWIEnable.

Save your settings and allow your device to re-boot.

Let me know if that fixes the short tones.

OBi100, OBi110, OBi200, OBi202


did it - no more short tones but the rest of the problem remains. i'm curious ... what did we just do with the two check boxes? ready for my next instructions (and thanks btw).


Quote from: NeedMoreCowbell on September 03, 2012, 09:58:04 PM
did it - no more short tones but the rest of the problem remains. i'm curious ... what did we just do with the two check boxes?

We just turned off the: MWI (Message Waiting Indicator) and the VMWI (Voice Mail Waiting Indicator)

My next idea, is to re-set your phone that is attaced to your device.  I'm not too sure how to do that, but maybe unplug the base unit from it's power source, and unplug the battery from the handset.  I'm just trying to get it to basically reset completely.  Just to make sure that it's not giving you tones too.

Let me know if that does it.  IF not, then I'll have to think harder.  :)

Glad I can help some.

OBi100, OBi110, OBi200, OBi202


tried the phone reset procedure - still get same symptoms.

when i activate talk button i now get the expected dial tone (due to the disabling of the message waiting and vm waiting). when i dial number, i get total silence for about 10 seconds after which i get the fast busy/failed call tone. btw, when i dial **9 222 222 222 i get thru to the obi echo service (don't know if that's of any consequence).


OBi100, OBi110, OBi200, OBi202


yes ... just placed a call from my cell to my gv number. i could talk to (and hear) myself from the two phones.


Alright.  Lets take a look at your Digit Map from the OBITALK Portal.

Service Providers: >ITSP Profile A General >DigitMap

Copy and Past it into your post.  (if it has any phone number in it, you may change the last few digits to something line 405-123-xxxx)


OBi100, OBi110, OBi200, OBi202





I'm not very knowledgeable on DigitMaps or Dial Plans, so I hope someone will join in on this.

But I do want to ask, are you located in the US?  I'm seeing an international dial code in there.

My DigitMap looks like this: (1xxxxxxxxxx|<1>[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|<1316>[2-9]xxxxxx|011xx.)
(the: <1316> is my area code, so I have 7 digit dialling.)

We may have to wait for someone to decipher yours. 

I know you said things were working before you left for the weekend.  But, who knows.... Much like the Message Waiting Indicator, something may have changed.

I'm going to have to call it a night for now.  I'll check in with you tomorrow.

OBi100, OBi110, OBi200, OBi202


i live in california (909) area. i'm going to bed also thank you for your efforts - i hope someone can pick it up from here.


Try to copy mine into yours, and sub your area code where I have mine.

Then try it.

Hope that helps, I'll check back tomorrow.

OBi100, OBi110, OBi200, OBi202


based on your last post, i went into device configuration and found that the 7-digit dialing box contained no area code. i was attempting to place local calls without an area code.  i put my a/c in the 7-digit box and tried another call - SUCCESS!!!!  thank you very much for your efforts and time - i sincerely appreciate it.


So Glad that I can help!

I've had such good luck from the Good People here too.

So if something else comes up, don't be afraid to ask.

Best Regards,

OBi100, OBi110, OBi200, OBi202