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New Google Handouts app replacing Google Talk: any affect?

Started by SteveL, May 16, 2013, 01:42:36 AM

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Will the new Google Talk replacement called Google Hangouts affect the GV OBI setup?



Good news, so far: Google Hangouts plays very nicely OBi GV.

1) updated Google Talk on my Android to the new Hangouts app. Left Hangouts running.
2) updated Google Chat to Hangouts in my Chrome web browser (you have to select this from the dropdown box). Exchanged a test message to make sure that it was running.
3) called my OBi GV phone number
4) Success: GV rang!

This appears to be excellent news and a long-awaited enhancement. It looks as if we'll be able to leave Hangouts running everywhere AND receive GV calls on our OBi device.


I've noticed that both the Obi phone and my Android phone using Groove IP still won't ring at the same time.  The only fix I've been able to think of without additional software is to unplug my Obi100 when I know I won't be home.  That way my Galaxy S3 will ring.
Yes I realize I can set my phone to ring using the GV web interface but then I'm using cell minutes which negates the whole purpose of using Groove IP.


However, I've seen confirmation from at least two people that upgrading to the new Hangouts in Gmail breaks the incoming calling feature on the Obi using Google Voice. This is my largest concern as I've set up several friends and family members with an Obi using GV.

Otherwise, my experience so far has been identical to SteveL's. Leaving the old Chat client resident in Gmail appears to be the way to go for the time being, until they integrate GV and Hangouts the same as it worked with GChat in Gmail (or Obi can somehow use GV differently; I'm guessing not since it just uses the GChat calling functionality).


I have noticed that an incoming call also 'rings' in my Chrome browser.

Can we get any confirmation about trying the new hangouts in gmail?  It is not clear to me SteveL changed it in gmail or some other Hangout app in Chrome....

My system is running ok at present but someone will forget and try the new Hangout at some stage I bet....


From a developer standpoint it should not matter if you "upgrade Gmail".  Further is does not appear to matter what computer or what browser you use to upgrade.  Google will leave it working for backward compatibility for apps that use xmpp.  Google is also leaving the option to revert meaning they plan to support it for a while longer. When Google forces you to update you will know the end is near for that protocol on Google Voice.
Long live our new ObiLords!


Quote from: bananaslug79 on May 20, 2013, 09:02:51 AM
However, I've seen confirmation from at least two people that upgrading to the new Hangouts in Gmail breaks the incoming calling feature on the Obi using Google Voice. This is my largest concern as I've set up several friends and family members with an Obi using GV.

That is not the case.  Enabling Hangouts has no effect on OBi for now.  I just now tested it to be sure.  The issue that IS annoying is that switching to Hangouts in Gmail removes the ability to make OUTbound calls from Gmail, using the Google Voice & Video chat browser plugin (now known as the Hangouts plugin, but it is the same thing).  The good news is that you can simply click on your avatar in the lower left side of the screen, and "revert" back to the old chat, for now, until Google works this out.  For more details, join us over on the Google Voice forum.