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OBi302 problem

Started by Neil-in-Carleton-Place, October 14, 2013, 05:41:46 PM

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The word 'frustrated' comes to mind but I think it has passed that point.

I was having a problem with my D-Link router "dropping" my OBi302 so I went and spend $200 for a new Asus AC66U router and it hasn't "dropped" the OBi but I have severe problems carrying on a conversation over the Panasonic phones.

Imagine talking over the dial tone while hearing echos of yourself and the other person and you know what I am going through.

I know there are settings I can make but I need help to make them.

I have to go and entertain some out of towners (never rains but it pours) so I guess I have to put up with the inconvenience for tonight.

Any suggestions will be gratefully acted upon. Thanks for listening.


1. Have you tried a different phone?

2. Do the echos start as soon as you pick up the phone to dial?

3. Do you always hear a dialtone?

4. Did you set this up with OBiTalk?

5. How long have you had the symtoms?


The answer to question 1. Is 'yes'. They are Panasonic KX-TGA470

Answers to 2. and 3. is as soon as you pick-up the phone you hear the dial-tone and as soon as you start to talk the echo's are there. Both sides of the conversation bouncing back and forth.

Answer to 4. is 'yes' OBi talk was used.

Answer to 5. is there has always been a very slight echo since the system was first started up using the D-Link router but I had to re-boot the D-Link router periodictly in order to restore the internet connection for the OBi. The combined dial-tone and echo has only been since the installation of the Asus router.

Things just got really weird. I just this minute answered the phone and conducted a normal telephone conversation. There was no dial tone or echo that I noticed so, how does one control the settings for what I call "dial tone and echo supression". I am quite sure there has to be a setting controlled by OBiTalk but I do not understand the engineering talk of the manual.


There has got to be something seriously wrong with this "darn" OBi302. Phone worked fine for a couple of days and now I can call out but I cannot call in. Ontario Hydro did a scheduled power shutdown early this morning (2 to 6am) and I have been screwing around all day with no better results than getting it where it is now.

I guess we will have to use our psychic abilities to anticipate callers so we can call them first.

I think it's a firmware problem (glitch). I tried to reset it a number of times and it won't allow me to update the firmware as it says it has the latest version.

Can anyone suggest a solution before I take a hammer to the "darn" thing.


It sounds as if you have the OBi302 (is it really a OBi302 as oppose to the OBi202?) after the main router.  Since the OBi302 has router capability, have you try putting the OBi before the Asus AC66U router and have the Asus in bridge mode?  In this setup, the Asus will simply be acting as a switch with Wireless capabilities.  If you create this setup, are you still having the problems you describe earlier.  Which VOIP provider(s) do you currently have setup on the ATA?  If you lower the volume on the phone, does the echo still exist?  Trying starting over from scratch by resetting the OBI to default and test.

With the Asus in place, are you having the echo and dial tone problem currently?

Maybe you should open a ticket with OBi Support to see if they can diagnose the problem for you.  Why did you purchase a OBi302 versus the OBi202?  The OBi302 is primarily geared towards VOIP providers, with no native google voice capability.


I re-installed the D-Link and I have used the OBi302 in front of the router but nothing seems to make any difference now. I will do as you suggest.

I chose the OBi302 because I didn't want the Google capabilities and what with it being the latest and greatest I would avoid problems. Well of I go to another few hours of playing at the Computer. Yah!! Right!!

I don't really miss the 'phone but my wife sure does. She wants me to switch back to the $70 a month Bell Tel.

Thanks for the suggestions.


Just got off OBiChat. They suggested doing a reset from the handset ***8 and press 1 to confirm.

I did that several times and it didn't seem to do anything so I figured "what the heck" I'll try deleting the device in Configuration. I did that then I dialled ***5-xxxxx That sent the information to the screen and I then re-configured everything and "Low and Behold" the phone is working again.

Thanks for the help OBi and friends