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Can you set Outgoing Caller ID with PowerPhone ?

Started by LJCW, March 20, 2014, 04:58:57 PM

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Thank you for sharing your experience!

For GV forwarding to PP#, which VM is going to pick up if no one answers?  And how many rings before reaching VM?

GV VM is picking up too quickly (25 sec, but usually 3-4 rings for me now) and I am concerned that forwarding to PP# will further reduce the number of rings. 

Any experience out there?


Quote from: watgundam on April 11, 2014, 06:20:08 PM
Thank you for sharing your experience!
For GV forwarding to PP#, which VM is going to pick up if no one answers?  And how many rings before reaching VM?
GV VM is picking up too quickly (25 sec, but usually 3-4 rings for me now) and I am concerned that forwarding to PP# will further reduce the number of rings. 
Any experience out there?
My experience is that GV voicemail kicks in at 25 seconds (4 rings on OBi phone-calling party hears 5 rings). Nothing can be done about that if you are forwarding from GV. The only time PhonePower ever picks up is if someone calls my PP number directly........which never happens.



When GV forwards to PP, does it take a while to ring my phone? If so, it will be less than 25s.. 

Quote from: Taoman on April 11, 2014, 07:03:10 PM
Quote from: watgundam on April 11, 2014, 06:20:08 PM
Thank you for sharing your experience!
For GV forwarding to PP#, which VM is going to pick up if no one answers?  And how many rings before reaching VM?
GV VM is picking up too quickly (25 sec, but usually 3-4 rings for me now) and I am concerned that forwarding to PP# will further reduce the number of rings. 
Any experience out there?
My experience is that GV voicemail kicks in at 25 seconds (4 rings on OBi phone-calling party hears 5 rings). Nothing can be done about that if you are forwarding from GV. The only time PhonePower ever picks up is if someone calls my PP number directly........which never happens.


Quote from: watgundam on April 11, 2014, 09:02:53 PM

When GV forwards to PP, does it take a while to ring my phone? If so, it will be less than 25s.. 
It takes approximately 3 seconds for my Obi connected phone to ring after placing the call from a cell phone.


Quote from: Malachi123 on April 03, 2014, 08:07:22 AM
Not sure what the problem here is. I signed up with PP through Obi's interface and one of the questions was if I wanted to spoof my GV number. I said yes. I also tested this and it works...

Yes that does work. My problem was I wanted to have my outgoing caller id number be something other than my Google Voice number. The company I work for has a call forwarding service of their own that forwards calls to my office number to wherever I happen to be. I am using the Obi as the target for that service. If I make an outgoing call I want my office phone number to appear, not my Google Voice number.

I was a bit confused about this during PhonePower setup and when I was prompted for the number to use and saw the on screen remark saying that it should be my Google Voice number, I mistakenly put that there. Of coruse when I tried to get that fixed after the fact, tech support told me that it could ONLY be a Google Voice number.

I'm not sure I couldn't have just put in the number I wanted regardless of it not being a Google Voice number but I decided to keep things on the up and up and took them at their word. In the end I decided to just cancel the service and signup with Anveo (who does allow spoofing the number after a verification process). That worked fine.


Quote from: rlcronin on April 14, 2014, 01:48:19 PM

I was a bit confused about this during PhonePower setup and when I was prompted for the number to use and saw the on screen remark saying that it should be my Google Voice number, I mistakenly put that there. Of coruse when I tried to get that fixed after the fact, tech support told me that it could ONLY be a Google Voice number.

Yes, you REALLY need to get it right the first time when signing up for PhonePower. I don't understand why PP is so rigid regarding outgoing CID but they certainly are. There should be some kind of red flashing warning when signing up telling you to get the outgoing number correct RIGHT NOW or you'll be sorrrrrrrrryyyyyyy.


We know it say enter your GV#, but I'm pretty sure
ANY number that is entered there is not checked. as you were saying earlier...

you wanted your calls to look like they were coming
from your office.  On setup you would enter your
office phone where it says enter your GV#...

and then you would use Click2Call or Remote Click2Call.

That WOULD have done the trick for you, but PP is too
busy arguing semantics, and their support is uneducated.

Somebody on this forum stated that PP's lack of spoofing
is going to be a real 'deal killer' and I've seen PP lose many
customers over this one point.

It would seem that PP should be on the forum somewhere,
but for one reason or another they don't seem to be here.


I too signed up for Phonepower through the OBIHAI interface and when I got to the spoofing CID input it said the Google Voice phone number should be used. However, I used a number I have had since 1983 and currently with VOIPo. There was no verification that I actually controlled that number. If I do however call that number using the Phonepower line, I always get a busy. I guess it would look strange getting an incoming CID matching the outgoing phone number of the line.  :)


Quote from: KAura on April 14, 2014, 05:09:13 PM
We know it say enter your GV#, but I'm pretty sure
ANY number that is entered there is not checked. as you were saying earlier...

you wanted your calls to look like they were coming
from your office.  On setup you would enter your
office phone where it says enter your GV#...

and then you would use Click2Call or Remote Click2Call.

That WOULD have done the trick for you, but PP is too
busy arguing semantics, and their support is uneducated.

Somebody on this forum stated that PP's lack of spoofing
is going to be a real 'deal killer' and I've seen PP lose many
customers over this one point.

It would seem that PP should be on the forum somewhere,
but for one reason or another they don't seem to be here.
Yes I should have just put my office phone there. Oh well. I cancelled PP and went to Anveo, which so far is working okay, but it is a bit rougher around the edges than PP was. A shame they are so inflexible. I would have stayed.


Quote from: watgundam on April 11, 2014, 06:20:08 PM
Thank you for sharing your experience!

For GV forwarding to PP#, which VM is going to pick up if no one answers?  And how many rings before reaching VM?

GV VM is picking up too quickly (25 sec, but usually 3-4 rings for me now) and I am concerned that forwarding to PP# will further reduce the number of rings. 

Any experience out there?

My problem is that PP voicemail picks up and I would rather have GV voicemail.  I have found no way to disable PP VM or change the number of rings.  When I talked with tech support at PP, they said that my phone number was assigned to two people and that I needed to talk with billing.  What?  This make no sense to me...


Ok, I found the PP voicemail settings I was looking for; they are under Call Forwarding.


Now I just need to find out how to get the GV voicemail studer tone to activate with GV voicemail.


Quote from: roguegaston on April 16, 2014, 10:10:06 PM
Now I just need to find out how to get the GV voicemail studer tone to activate with GV voicemail.
Not sure that is possible although hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

I was under the impression you would only get the stutter tone notification from your carrier signalling your Obi (Google Voice is no longer your carrier) and only if using your carrier's voicemail (you're using Google Voice voicemail). If you think about exactly could it work? When during the calling/receiving process would PhonePower ever get notified about Google Voice having voicemail. For outgoing calls GV isn't involved at all. For incoming calls, GV just hands off the call to PhonePower. Thinking it through I just don't see how it's possible. The link between Google Voice and your Obi was disconnected when Google Chat was no longer being used.

I usually have a cell phone close to me. I have GV configured to send me a text and email when I have a GV voicemail. For me it is much more reliable than a stutter tone or message waiting indicator.


Quote from: Taoman on April 16, 2014, 11:36:08 PM
Quote from: roguegaston on April 16, 2014, 10:10:06 PM
Now I just need to find out how to get the GV voicemail studer tone to activate with GV voicemail.
Not sure that is possible although hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

I was under the impression you would only get the stutter tone notification from your carrier signalling your Obi (Google Voice is no longer your carrier) and only if using your carrier's voicemail (you're using Google Voice voicemail). If you think about exactly could it work? When during the calling/receiving process would PhonePower ever get notified about Google Voice having voicemail. For outgoing calls GV isn't involved at all. For incoming calls, GV just hands off the call to PhonePower. Thinking it through I just don't see how it's possible. The link between Google Voice and your Obi was disconnected when Google Chat was no longer being used.

I usually have a cell phone close to me. I have GV configured to send me a text and email when I have a GV voicemail. For me it is much more reliable than a stutter tone or message waiting indicator.

I agree with Taoman that having GV sent me an email to notify for voicemails is effective. However, this is a line I share with my wife. It would be very helpful if she could access a GV voicemail from the phone connected to the Obi device. That way if I'm unable to get to the voice mail for any reason, she could.

I may bring that up with Phone Power to see if there's a solution, but I suspect it may have to resolved through Obi. Phone Power's tech support has been surprisingly helpful in resolving several other questions I've raised. Real people talk to you and even call you back!


To let your GV answer simply add 10 seconds to the forwarding action under the call forwarding area in power phone.


Quote from: smile6617 on April 17, 2014, 07:29:38 PM
To let your GV answer simply add 10 seconds to the forwarding action under the call forwarding area in power phone.

Hunh?  No.

This is a long thread.  To answer just the question, "how do I access my GV voicemail from a forwarding phone?"

Log onto your Google Voice account on a computer's web browser, not on a mobile device, and go here:

Click the Edit button under your forwarding phone number.  Click Show advanced settings.  On the page that appears, set "Voicemail access" to No.  Save your settings.  See my screenshot.

Program a speed dial on your  forwarding phone, to call your GV number (the old-school way, just program it right on the handset, not on the OBi or the Phonepower portal).   Now, all you have to do is press that speed dial.  When your greeting answers, press *, then enter your PIN and #.


With regard to the MWI stutter tone:  correct, the stutter tone is controlled by the carrier that is provisioned on the OBi device.  So, if it's PhonePower, then you are getting a MWI from them, not from Google Voice, and it means you have a message waiting on your PP number, not on GV.  You can't indirectly have one phone company's MWI appear on another phone company's service.


Quote from: LJCW on March 20, 2014, 04:58:57 PM
I'm looking at subscribing to one of the ObiTalk approved services, ANVEO or PowerPhone.
I want to be able to set my Outgoing Caller ID to my Google Voice number.
Looking at the discussions here, it seems you can do this with ANVEO, but PowerPhone is a little cheaper.
Can you set Outgoing Caller ID with PowerPhone?
Is ANVEO worth the extra few dollars?

I just set up my PowerPhone account and the caller ID shows my GV number, that I filled in on the sign up page, but it doesn't show any caller name.   Instead it shows "unknown name."  The option to do caller ID was ticked off when I signed up so I'm not sure what's going on.   Maybe they don't caller ID the name, just the number.  I checked the PowerPhone service settings page under Outbound CNAM on my account and it shows the correct caller name.  Apparently it isn't sending it however.   Strange, then why have "cnam" ... caller name?   I will call tomorrow and repost if I find that this can be fixed.  If anyone has any further info, I would appreciate hearing it.  I have to set up a friends GV/PowerPhone tomorrow.


Quote from: ladyamom on May 05, 2014, 09:10:00 PM
Quote from: LJCW on March 20, 2014, 04:58:57 PM
I'm looking at subscribing to one of the ObiTalk approved services, ANVEO or PowerPhone.
I want to be able to set my Outgoing Caller ID to my Google Voice number.
Looking at the discussions here, it seems you can do this with ANVEO, but PowerPhone is a little cheaper.
Can you set Outgoing Caller ID with PowerPhone?
Is ANVEO worth the extra few dollars?

I just set up my PowerPhone account and the caller ID shows my GV number, that I filled in on the sign up page, but it doesn't show any caller name.   Instead it shows "unknown name."  The option to do caller ID was ticked off when I signed up so I'm not sure what's going on.   Maybe they don't caller ID the name, just the number.  I checked the PowerPhone service settings page under Outbound CNAM on my account and it shows the correct caller name.  Apparently it isn't sending it however.   Strange, then why have "cnam" ... caller name?   I will call tomorrow and repost if I find that this can be fixed.  If anyone has any further info, I would appreciate hearing it.  I have to set up a friends GV/PowerPhone tomorrow.

Caller ID NAME is a separate service from Caller ID number.  It relies on the called party's telephone company doing a database lookup, during the interval between the 1st and 2nd rings, in a database of telephone numbers matched to their corresponding names.  These DBs are maintained by various telcos and third parties, and assuming PhonePower is actually feeding their customer's information to the DBs, it may take days or even months for all the various DBs to refresh with that information.  CNAM is kind of a mess, since deregulation of the Bell System monopoly, since there are multiple database providers out there who may or may not have fresh information.


Quote from: ladyamom on May 05, 2014, 09:10:00 PM
Maybe they don't caller ID the name, just the number.

This is the correct answer. PhonePower doesn't allowing "spoofing" of outbound CID. However, they have made an exception for Obi plans and allow the spoofing of outbound number (only!) to be your Google Voice number. Outbound CNAM is not supported for those on "Obi" plans. Outbound CNAM is only supported if you are also using the PP supplied telephone number for your CID.

Period. End of story.