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CircleNet would like to introduce ourselves to the Obi world

Started by Sam_from_CircleNet, April 08, 2014, 10:35:12 AM

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When you go to make a payment now it does drop into a proper SSL environment on paypal's servers so any billing information that you put in will be encrypted.

I can see why you would be concerned about the rest of the portal. Our next to development cycles are already full but we will aim to add a signed SSL cert to the customer portal on 5/3 or 5/10.

In the meantime the self signed certificate can be used for encrypting the connection but it doesn't verify you are on the correct page.



Wow. You're actually taking private customer information via plain HTTP?!?

Your user portal should be encrypted, yesterday. Aside from the obvious privacy issues with this you're actually running the risk of getting hit with a huge fine from the FCC if call data ever leaks out. You can't serve call records via HTTP. Your portal should be forcing users to HTTPS even if it's through a self-signed certificate.

Adding a SSL cert takes 15 minutes, you don't need a "development cycle" for it. This is way more important than anything else you are working on right now.
Nitzan Kon, CEO
Future Nine Corporation


Quote from: nitzan on April 16, 2014, 05:05:00 AM
Adding a SSL cert takes 15 minutes, you don't need a "development cycle" for it. This is way more important than anything else you are working on right now.

Apparently there are risks with certain deployed SSL environments. Which one do you recommend?


Our signup and portal will work with either http or https but neither contains payment info. The customer is dropped into an SSL session with paypal prior to capturing any payment data. Also since we're a pay as you go we don't store ANY payment data, that's all done at paypal.

I see the security concerns here however over the customer's name and address. We will disable the http version shortly and push customers to the self signed version.

As to switching to a signed cert yes it is easy, but we still need to work it into our dev plan. Any change that potentially is production affecting needs looked at.


Also as to the risks on SSL I strongly encourage anyone running an SSL instance that is even slightly based on openssl to verify their patch level and recreate certs as needed. This isn't just a web vulnerability SSL based services such as VPN concentrators also need closely scrutinized.



The more I thought about this the more I agree the group is right.
We just wrapped the entire customer site in SSL and disabled non-encrypted access.



Sam, thanks for taking the quick action and respecting the dev cycle to "what else may it break".
As to other comments on validation of patch level, as we're not always in full control of the full stack, I'd encourage your dev/admin/sec teams (could be the same person, been there) to use tools from vantage of the "extrenal" access, direct to web server(s) etc.
One such site that seems to offer un-biased info is
Of which you current get an A-, which is way above the avg.  Thank you for your continued focus towards security.


Forgive me if this has already been covered, Sam, but does CircleNet include E911 service?  I've successfully registered my account with my Obi202, but wasn't sure if I should check the "Use this service for Emergency 911 calls" box or not (I left it UNchecked for now).



QuoteI set up on SP2 using the client setup information here

The only thing else I had to do under Voice Services Parameters was change the X_ServProvProfile to "B"

Did you have to set up a "B" profile?


I don't think you have to set  X_ServProvProfile to "B". You do this only if it is not your primary outgoing service.


We currently do not support 911 with our service. We support outbound standard calls, our service isn't intended to be a replacement for a full VoIP service or for a home phone. We aim to replace only the outbound part of the service and be used in addition to a primary provider that supplies 911 and your DID.

There are a number of full service providers on here that can handle 911 and many are making special offers to the Obi group in hopes of getting transitional customers. For example I know that Future 9 has a free porting offer, seems to have their stuff together and is a regular on this forum. *I am not affiliated with them in any way just noticed the offer*



Thanks, Sam.  No need.  I'm fine with using my cell phone for emergencies.  I just wanted to take advantage of the service if it was offered.  I believe that the combination of CircleNet (outbound) and Callcentric (inbound, forwarded using GV) on my Obi will meet my needs just fine.


Quote from: giqcass on April 09, 2014, 05:27:50 AM
The setup may seem a little confusing to newcomers but there are a few of us with CircleNet/Obi experience that would be happy to help.   

I'm one of the newcomers, having trouble with setup on an Obi100.
Would like to try the service on SP2, but am getting "Register Failed: No Response From Server" on the Obi Dashboard. I'm sure I'm missing something.
What exactly should I fill in under SP2 in the service provider setting on the dashboard?
I've added all the info in the Obi Expert Configuration, but SP2 then shows up as not configured.
If I add Circlenet as a generic provider through the dashboard settings, I get the "Register Failed".

I have no experience with this, and would really appreciate some help.


Using Generic Provider:

Service Provider Proxy Server:
Service Provider Proxy Server Port: 5060
Outbound Proxy Server:
Outbound Proxy Server Port: 5060
User Name: your username*
Password: your password*
URI: leave blank

*These are available on the Circlenet SIP/IAX page
Help me OBiHai PhoneOBi. You're my only hope.


Quote from: gderf on April 17, 2014, 05:07:31 PM
Using Generic Provider:

Service Provider Proxy Server:
Service Provider Proxy Server Port: 5060
Outbound Proxy Server:
Outbound Proxy Server Port: 5060
User Name: your username*
Password: your password*
URI: leave blank

*These are available on the Circlenet SIP/IAX page

Thanks! I heard from circlenet customer support, and inputting the info, but leaving the ports empty, worked.
I'm now registered and trying to find out how to route international and toll free numbers through SP2.


Quote from: siskiou on April 17, 2014, 05:57:28 PM
I'm now registered and trying to find out how to route international and toll free numbers through SP2.

To route tollfree and international calls to SP2
Change Service Providers -> ITSP Profile B -> DigitMap To:

Add to the beginning of Physical Interfaces -> Phone Port -> OutboundCallRoute:

Since CircleNet is outbound only, registration is not required.
Unregistering will reduce traffic to the CircleNet servers.

Voice Services -> SP 2 Service -> X_RegisterEnable: Unchecked


I don't know CircleNet's dialing rules for international numbers. The above assumes 011 prefix.


First, welcome aboard siskiou I'm glad your doing ok and thanks to the OBITalk forum for helping out my customer!

Secondly, the advice given by azrobert is good we do use 011 to denote international calls and this setup should work.



Hi... I am a noob to CircleNet configuration as well and based on input from different folks in this thread, was trying to configure CircleNet as a means for outbound calling. I use Obi100. My current setup has Google Voice as SP1. I was trying to use CallCentric for inbound and CircleNet as outbound calling and was trying to set it up on SP2. I tried suggestions from azrobert and circlenet website but it doesnt register, stating no response from the server. I would appreciate any help to get it setup.


Quote from: azrobert on April 08, 2014, 03:55:56 PM
I use CircleNet only for outbound calls, so I defined them on Voice Gateway #2.
Here is how to do it:

Add to the beginning of the Phone Port DigitMap:

It should look like this:
(8xxxxxxxxxx|...........current rules..........)

Add to the beginning of the Phone Port OutboundCallRute:

Service Providers -> Gateways and Trunk Groups -> Voice Gateway 2
Name: CircleNet
AccessNumber: sp1(
DigitMap: (<8:1>xxxxxxxxxx)
AuthUserID: Your_UID
AuthPassword: Your_PW

SP1 must be defined as SIP.

Dial 84805551212 and 14805551212 will be sent to CircleNet.

I've had a very good experience with CircleNet.  I've only made a few test calls with CircleNet because I'm still using GV, but so far everything is working perfectly. I think they are really trying hard to be a good provider and I hope they survive. I had a CID problem and they fixed it immediately. Their rate to a Phoenix number is $.00471. This is the lowest rate I've seen. If you want a Pay As You Go plan I would take them up on their free $2 offer to check them out. Two dollars is over 400 minutes.


Quote from: siskiou on April 17, 2014, 05:57:28 PM
Thanks! I heard from circlenet customer support, and inputting the info, but leaving the ports empty, worked.
I'm now registered and trying to find out how to route international and toll free numbers through SP2.

5060 is the default port for this, so leaving it blank means it is using port 5060 anyway.

Also, if you make too many attempts to register a device in a short period of time, your IP address will be temporarily blocked. I don't know what 'too many' is or how long the block is in place.
Help me OBiHai PhoneOBi. You're my only hope.


Quick followup question on this.. if CallCentric is registered as SP2 and if I want to use CircleNet as outbound on SP2, what changes do I need to make?

Appreciate the help, thanks!

Quote from: azrobert on April 17, 2014, 08:04:53 PM
Quote from: siskiou on April 17, 2014, 05:57:28 PM
I'm now registered and trying to find out how to route international and toll free numbers through SP2.

To route tollfree and international calls to SP2
Change Service Providers -> ITSP Profile B -> DigitMap To:

Add to the beginning of Physical Interfaces -> Phone Port -> OutboundCallRoute:

Since CircleNet is outbound only, registration is not required.
Unregistering will reduce traffic to the CircleNet servers.

Voice Services -> SP 2 Service -> X_RegisterEnable: Unchecked


I don't know CircleNet's dialing rules for international numbers. The above assumes 011 prefix.