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Outbound calls via inbound...some kind of callback, perhaps ??

Started by vtsnaab, May 10, 2014, 08:25:42 PM

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I have searched and did not find a direct answer to the query I shall try to express here - please pardon me if it has been asked/answered by others in a more correct fashion before.

As of right now I am getting decent inbound connections via SP2 on my Obi110 via a free NY DID with Callcentric.
I anticipate that in the process of setting up post-GV services that things may be a bit chaotic for me in terms of having things working when I need them, and also=>

My hypothetical situation:
There could be a time when my chosen/paid outbound service may be down for a bit.

My query:
Is there some method by which I could initiate a request via some 3rd party site or software (or ???) which would make a desired outbound call for me, then ring into my inbound number so I could use that call ??

All my calls are within the US - this is not an attempt to make cheaper calls, but instead a way to have a fall-back should there be a need for it.

Thanks for any education (and for tolerating my curious nature !!).


The Google Voice callback method of doing exactly that is not going away on 15 May.  No special software, just a browser.  No 3rd party site, just  Same free calls to N.America.

(The call to you is made first. Only when answered is the other party called.)


Ferrrry Eeeenterestenk !!
Quote from: drgeoff on May 11, 2014, 02:31:03 AM
The Google Voice callback method of doing exactly that is not going away on 15 May.  No special software, just a browser.  No 3rd party site, just  Same free calls to N.America.
(The call to you is made first. Only when answered is the other party called.)

Please pardon my confusion and/or confusing response here ?!?

Neither my inbounds nor outbounds will be using GV very soon and I will most likely not be forwarding GV to either of my new inbounds either.

So, as an example - is there some method by which I might do this using my Callcentric inbound ??
(OR - do you infer that there is a magic way to get GV to call my CC number and also make the outgoing call connect with that - as that would be magical indeed !!!)



Sigh! Can't understand how someone with 90 posts on these forums doesn't already know this!

In this case Google is your friend twice over  ;D.


I know many things - like how to stay alive & heal from mortal illness (for example...), but if I knew how to correctly frame this question for usage in a search engine, I would not have asked here.

I did search both here and via general searches BEFORE posting, but as must be obvious, my search queries returned less than useful results - so I have asked for pointers here - and if I seem like I am ignorant (or an idiot), those labels may also be correct, and I don't mind them - so I ask and hope for helpful and non-snippy replies if anyone may be bothered to give such help freely and in a friendly manner.

Also - having such topics posted singularly may be a help for others who are lost in this technical maze and need help finding their way...OK ?!?

And BTW, I posted a dictionary definition for idiot (or ID10T if you prefer...) in this reply:

Thanks, and Best Wishes !!!


Thank you very much for this very clear pointer:
Quote from: drgeoff on May 11, 2014, 11:37:31 AM

It says there=>
QuoteTo make a call from the Google Voice page

   1. Go to
   2. On the top left of the page, click Call.
   3. Type a contact's name or phone number.
   4. Choose the phone number you want to use for that call and click Connect.

Google Voice will call you at that phone and connect you to the number you dialed.

One very good solution if/when it may be needed.

I wonder if anyone here knows of others which use something other than GV to do this ??

Thanks for being patient with my ignorance.


The mechanism is the same, but no browser is required. You do have to populate your Google Voice Contacts and be running Windows.
Help me OBiHai PhoneOBi. You're my only hope.


Another good solution, thanks:
Quote from: gderf on May 11, 2014, 12:36:33 PM
The mechanism is the same, but no browser is required. You do have to populate your Google Voice Contacts and be running Windows.

Not for me though, as it says this=>
Quoteyou will need to have the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5SP1
I choose to avoid that bloatware from m$ as long as possible...


Suit yourself.

You can also use the Google Voice browser extension. With that on a compatible browser, you get a button on the toolbar and don't have to navigate to any particular web page.
Help me OBiHai PhoneOBi. You're my only hope.


Another viable solution, thanks:
Quote from: gderf on May 11, 2014, 01:33:45 PM
You can also use the Google Voice browser extension. With that on a compatible browser, you get a button on the toolbar and don't have to navigate to any particular web page.
I may have to try a portable version of chrome just for this at some point.
(There is a Firefox extension as well, but it has very mixed reviews so I'll avoid that one...)



While I'm sure you have your reasons for wanting to completely separate yourself from any ties to Google Voice, or maybe Google altogether, most of the free or clever solutions offered on this board will involve some Google service of some sort. That's just how it is.

Seeing as the board activity is largely related to the fact that Google is altering some of its features as they relate to Obi, most of the activity on here is going to tie in to Google. If there were a way to completely remove G from the equation and still get 100% free service, there would have been no need to involve them in the first place to use the Obi, and also it would have been demonstrated here a long time ago, even without the changes coming this week.

So as gderf says, suit yourself. You don't need to use GV, but your options are reduced.


Quote from: drgeoff on May 11, 2014, 10:38:23 AM
Sigh! Can't understand how someone with 90 posts on these forums doesn't already know this!
It would become clear if you looked at the history.


In recent times (and not just in the tech sectors) there has come to be a new 'norm'; that of companies making/selling products and then stepping back ASAP and 'allowing' their loyal userbases to provide all (or nearly all) of their product support for them at nearly zero costs to them.

This tends to create clear divisions between the users which are seldom very friendly or helpful.

There are always those who take on the whole device or program as a hobby and want to dig into every tiny detail so as to make it their own and/or show off their proficiencies. (I'll call this the top of the food chain...)

At the opposite end of the scale there are many more who just want to use whatever it is in whatever way suits them best - thus creating the bottom of the food chain.

As with any group of creatures, there are also (always) aggressive ones and even predators as opposed to those who are simply meek prey.

Then there are those who know very little about {whatever}, yet still try to converse as helpfully as possible and who do not delight a'tall in the snippy little asides of the more aggressive top-feeders.

Speaking just for myself here - supporting clients is what I used to do more than full-time.
I have some expertise that kept my business going quite well for around 20 years without pause (until declining health finished that for me), and then my learnings expanded into areas that most folks would be frightened of - but which have kept me alive for around a decade now.

So, having shared stuff that is personal and which nobody here cares about - what exactly is my point in doing so ??

Having faced death squarely face-to-face and still being around to tell of it makes squabbling on any online forum seem quite petty - almost silly in fact.

Folks come to these places to get help - not to be verbally abused (and not even in the very clever and/or indirect ways that I often see here & other places).

Thus my real point now is to say to anyone who gets discouraged by such snippiness:
Just ignore it and get what you need as best you can despite those who think it is their work in life to be unfriendly or unhelpful.

And BTW=>
I again sincerely thank all those who have pitched in and have given me some really great help here since I got my Obi110 a couple of years ago - I very much appreciate those who are friendly & helpful.

Peace out.


I don't see a reason why you would need to set up a Callback in order to have a backup outgoing service.  For a backup service I am quite fond of Localphone.  Credit does not expire as long as you use it at least once per year.  Calling rates are quite low.  If you truly need a service to give you a callback that can be done from localphone as well.  It just doesn't make a lot of sense to do it that way if the callback is going to an ATA like the Obi.

A few search engine manipulation examples.  This is how I find things on the Obitalk website.  The search function of the website is practically useless.

Voice gateway localphone


Callback search 2

Long live our new ObiLords!


Thanks Gigcass.
What made me think of this question was that during when I was setting up CC for inbound usage on SP2, suddenly there was trouble making outbound calls and that took me a while to figure out.

I was really hoping for some very easy way to be able to make calls at a time like that - and did not know of the way to do it using the GV site itself.

If there was some small, simple app that would also do this it would be very useful as well, but thus far it looks as if Gvnotifier is the only one in existence and it is not one I'll be using.

Thanks, and Best Wishes.


Quote from: mo832 on May 11, 2014, 05:37:11 PM
While I'm sure you have your reasons for wanting to completely separate yourself from any ties to Google Voice, or maybe Google altogether, most of the free or clever solutions offered on this board will involve some Google service of some sort. That's just how it is.

Seeing as the board activity is largely related to the fact that Google is altering some of its features as they relate to Obi, most of the activity on here is going to tie in to Google. If there were a way to completely remove G from the equation and still get 100% free service, there would have been no need to involve them in the first place to use the Obi, and also it would have been demonstrated here a long time ago, even without the changes coming this week.

So as gderf says, suit yourself. You don't need to use GV, but your options are reduced.
Hi Mo.
Over the years I (and others...) have noticed that G is very insensitive to it's users needs & desires.
If a bit of searching is done it becomes very obvious that they have almost zero ways for users to ask for help.
Sure, they have forums - which are largely useless from my experiences of them.

An example:
I have a domain that uses the free G apps for it's email.
G changed the log-in process and it no longer accepts my (correctly recorded) password.
To change the password requires actions that are also not working.
My email clients can log in perfectly - but I cannot make any changes via the domain control panel.

This leaves me exactly ONE option - re-map the MX to my hosting at some point and stop using G's services thereby.

The above is merely one example of how G has made changes that exclude users from the process.

That's OK if it is OK with the users - but it is not OK with this user.

I have very much enjoyed G's gift of GV phoning for a couple of years as so many here have - but now (IMO) it is time to move on and I'm good with that.

If instead G had started charging us to use it via the Obi I would have paid them, but since they are simply erasing the Obi users from the map, to me - that means seek elsewhere, and I have - and found some very good options & providers.

The other cool thing about all this is that it got me to look deeper into the whole XMPP subject - enough to find I can (for the moment ??) still use GV via Wifi & Android.
Since I gave up paying for cellular (I live in a 100% dead zone) I have missed it a bit, and having a Wifi-only enabled cellular phone will allow me to have at least a bit of mobile abilities.

Later, if and/or when G may choose to drop GV altogether - I can still use that same Wifi stuff for plain SIP minus GV, so it's all good IMO.

Thanks, and Best Wishes !!