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MWI Timing Out On Vestalink Service (has been fixed by VestaLink)

Started by ceg3, June 24, 2014, 10:52:02 AM

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I have Vestalink on my SP1 and GV on SP2.  MWI is working for me now for both services, but MWI times out on the Vestalink side, while GV flashes and stutters endlessly.  I can re-enable MWI for Vestalink voice mails by just calling in and then hanging up, but it times out and quits again within two hours.

Any ideas?  I have deleted and rebuilt my setup multiple times and in all conceivable ways.  Last contact from Vestalink suggested a possible firewall issue or SIP ALG, which I don't fully understand or see any setting for such in my router.  I don't really see how a software firewall on my PC could affect my OBi, which is a separate connection to my router.

I would love to know if anybody else is experiencing this issue.


Update: I found 4 ALG services enabled in my router and at Vestalink support's recommendation I have disabled them all.  I will run a test from an outside line later today and report back if the MWI holds for longer than two hours.


No change.  I guess I'm comparing apples to oranges in comparing the two services and that GV MWI working perfectly means nothing in whether or not Vestalink MWI works.


I have the same problem with my Vestalink service. My WMI stops working somewhere between 45 min. and 1 hour 20 min. I didn't catch the exact time in the test. I only have Vestalink service on my Obi and am set up using their instructions. I saw your post on the Vesalink Community Forum and the problem persists so it does not seem to be a priority for them. I use an answering machine and only rely on their voicemail for times when my internet service might go down. I do the same thing you do, when away for more than an hour or so, check for messages just in case. Those that rely on Vestalink's voicemail and MWI would probably be a bit disappointed by only an hour or so of MWI working. I had already signed up before I found out about this problem, but since I use an answering machine I can live with it. However, I would not recommend their service to others.   


Some of the settings changed during the last Obi firmware on Vestalink. I don't know why the others SP's on my 202 didn't change. After I went back in and "reset" them I haven't had a problem.


Quote from: REC25 on September 01, 2014, 08:58:06 PM
I have the same problem with my Vestalink service. My WMI stops working somewhere between 45 min. and 1 hour 20 min. I didn't catch the exact time in the test. I only have Vestalink service on my Obi and am set up using their instructions. I saw your post on the Vesalink Community Forum and the problem persists so it does not seem to be a priority for them. I use an answering machine and only rely on their voicemail for times when my internet service might go down. I do the same thing you do, when away for more than an hour or so, check for messages just in case. Those that rely on Vestalink's voicemail and MWI would probably be a bit disappointed by only an hour or so of MWI working. I had already signed up before I found out about this problem, but since I use an answering machine I can live with it. However, I would not recommend their service to others.   

Vestalink blamed my issue on my router, but I never really believed it.  They had MWI problems from the beginning of my exp with them since last January.  I hadn't thought about turning off Vestalink voice mail and dusting off my old answering machine (might be fun).  Thanks for putting the idea in my head. ;D


Quote from: cluckercreek on September 02, 2014, 06:29:01 AM
Some of the settings changed during the last Obi firmware on Vestalink. I don't know why the others SP's on my 202 didn't change. After I went back in and "reset" them I haven't had a problem.
If you could find the time to post what settings you reset, it would be appreciated. I have an Obi 200 and it had firmware 3.0.1 build 4350 when I set up with Vestalink. Today I added GV which caused the Obi to update to 3.0.1  build 4420. After adding GV I deleted SP1, Vestalink, and provisioned it again. I did see a couple of changes in the settings from where it was originally, but I still have the same problem with MWI timing out within 1/2 to 2 hours. Had Anveo for 6 months before I went with Vestalink and had no problems with their MWI. 



When I updated the firmware of my Obi 202 it is 4412. Under the setting of "voice service" it deleted my check marks for MWIEnable, MWIEnable2, X_VMWIEnable, X_VMWIEnable2 and AnonymousCallBlockEnable. I rececked the boxes and the MWI started working correctly for whatever the reason. I tried to see if my unit would update to the 4420 firmware and it will NOT. Hmmm, I don't know the differences between them. Hope that helps.


cluckercreek ,

Thank you for your reply. I checked my settings and found MWIEnable and X_VMWIEnable checked(200 has 1 phone line) but AnnonymousCallBlockEnable not checked. I went ahead and checked it just because it seemed like a good idea. From what I have been able to find it seems this problem may only affect some people, myself,  ceg3, and a few others. Maybe this is a problem with certain locations. I remember seeing posts about GV taking a long time to connect and poor voice quality which just may have been due to their location since most people, including me, found GV works very well.
The update to build 4420 was done automatically. When I clicked on GV from the providers list a note popped up telling me to wait while my Obi was being updated. From what I read in another post about Google Voice being back, a reply by  SteveInWA , it seems that this build may be targeted just for GV service. That is just my guess.
    Considering that when you were updated to build 4412 some of your settings were changed, maybe build 4420 was done to correct that problem, because when I got that update none of my settings were changed.


Interesting. I'm using Vestalink, F9, GVoice and Callcentric with my setup. I deleted GVoice and set it back up but no update. Of course I had to go through the new GVoice authorization steps but it didn't update. I guess I'll just keep using as is since no problems have popped up since the MWI issue. Thanks for your input and info!



  With firmware updated and a re-provision of Vestalink, the problem stays the same. Since there are not many replies on this topic, I guess the MWI timeout is only affecting a few users, or a lot of them have an answering machine like I do and don't realize there is a problem. When I was looking around for info about Vestalink, I did not notice your post as I was looking for "Vestalink" in the subject line. Perhaps you could modify your subject line to include "Vesalink" in order to attract more Vestalink users to read and comment on it. Just a thought.


I have an Obi 100 with SP1 configured for Vestalink and SP2 for Circlenet.  Any voicemail left on Vestalink triggers the MWI, but it times out after about 2 hours and goes away.  This means that any indication of voicemail goes away.

Vestalink support said this fixed this problem a few months ago and that I need to reprovision my Vestalink service using their Easy Setup tool... something I am very hesitant to do.

Anyone else still having this problem?


DrewMan ,

  I used Vestalink's "Obi Easy Setup Tool" to re-provision my service to see what happens. I left a message and after 1 1/2 hours the light stopped blinking and there is no stutter tone. At least for me, using their setup tool is not the answer. You do realize that once you use their tool you will lose any other service provider you have, and can't get back into the Obitalk portal to change anything. After this test is done I will do a factory reset and provision Vestalink manually because I want to also have GV. This leaves me still looking for an answer.  


Quote from: REC25 on September 03, 2014, 08:16:54 AM

Perhaps you could modify your subject line to include "Vesalink" in order to attract more Vestalink users to read and comment on it. Just a thought.
Done.  BTW, it will not matter how you go about setting up your service, manually or otherwise, the MWI will time out.  I tried every conceivable way to auto-provision and manually setup and it makes no difference.  You can even dial into *123 and verify there is a message waiting and then just quickly hang up, which will re-enable MWI, but it will time out.  There is clearly an issue.


Vestalink  should have resolved this months ago; it isn't rocket science for standard SIP ITSPs to control MWI and VMWI.  I would really suggest giving up on them if this feature matters to you, and porting to another carrier.  As always, you [don't] get what you [don't] pay for.

Some other random factoids related to this thread:

  • Google Voice has automated call quality measurement tools.  If your call drops, or you place or receive a call with poor audio quality, hang up and retry the call.  The number of frequent retries is tracked, and if there is a carrier issue under Google's control, it will be investigated.
  • The mechanism to control MWI for GV is different than for SIP carriers, so it's not a meaningful comparision to MWI issues with a SIP ITSP.
  • SIP ALG should *always* be disabled on home routers.  It's useless and causes audio problems.


  • The mechanism to control MWI for GV is different than for SIP carriers, so it's not a meaningful comparision to MWI issues with a SIP ITSP

    MWI no longer works with GV since the recent updates.  This was confirmed by OBi support.


Right.  But, my point still applies.  Don't consider the Google Voice MWI function at all, as a troubleshooting factor, when diagnosing a SIP MWI / VMWI issue.


Ryan at Vestalink is telling me they have done something to fix this, but for me it's still broken.  Anybody else that had this issue finding it working right now?


Ryan told me the same thing and asked me to test.  MWI still times out after approx 2 hours.  Problem does not seem solved.


Good news.  We are close to a resolution of this.  Ryan and I conducted an experiment, in which he observed MWI timing on his end at the same time it timed out at mine.  He now knows it's an issue for them to work on at their end and he said he should have a fix by the end of the week.


This has been up & down for me. It now is consistently following the same pattern of going down as described. Looking forward to this being resolved.